My first FFS addon.
By the moment it only has 10 weapons and i will be adding more every day
Assault Rifles:
-M16A3 (/spawnitem ffs_m16a3_1)
-REC 7 (/spawnitem ffs_barretrec7_1)
-ISR 300 (/spawnitem ffs_isr300_1)
-M4 SOPMOD (/spawnitem ffs_sopmod_1)
-MK18 MOD 0 (/spawnitem ffs_mk18m0_1)
-Honey Badger (/spawnitem ffs_honeybadger_1)
-M1911A1 (/spawnitem ffs_m1911a1_1)
-92FS Stainless Steel (/spawnitem ffs_92fsinox_1)
-FN Five seveN (/spawnitem ffs_fn57_1)
-Glock 22 (/spawnitem ffs_glock22_1)
-FNX 45 (/spawnitem ffs_fnx45_1)
Also comes with custom realistic Gunsounds made by me
*Required* Feast of Fire and Smoke by Leyhan: or
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Grace's Outdoor Company, Inc. [FFS Mod] 1.0
Custom and modernized Firearms for sale!