Dear reader, for the time being,
(as I will update this review depending on the future of God Dame Anti-material Rifles)
Both Starbound Sniper Rifles and God Dame Anti-material Rifles are almost functionally identical.
1. Starbound Sniper Rifles and God Dame Anti-material Rifles have similar (and can be exact) Rate of Fire - depending on the obtained/spawned rifle.
2. Starbound Sniper Rifles and God Dame Anti-material Rifles share the same pool of specials (e.g. both Starbound Sniper Rifles and God Dame Anti-material Rifles can have 'Bouncing Shot', 'Explosive Shot', 'Flashlight' or etc. as their Special).
However, God Dame Anti-material Rifles do have certain numerical differences when compared to the Starbound Sniper Rifles.
1. God Dame Anti-material Rifles have higher Damage Per Shot than Starbound Sniper Rifles at the same tier level (i.e. God Dame Anti-material Rifles are 3x or more the Damage Per Shot of Starbound Sniper Rifles - despite both being found on the same planet).
2. God Dame Anti-material Rifles cost more Energy Per Shot than Starbound Sniper Rifles at the same tier level (i.e. The Energy Per Shot of a God Dame Anti-material Rifle is 2x of or less of that of the Energy Per Shot of a Starbound Sniper Rifle).
3. God Dame Anti-material Rifles are 2x or more Pixel worth than that of Starbound Sniper Rifles at the same tier level.
Aside from these numerical differences, Starbound Sniper Rifles and God Dame Anti-material Rifles are almost the exact same weapon as they share the same sound effects too; however, Starbound Sniper Rifles and God Dame Anti-material Rifles do not share the same skin pool (i.e. God Dame Anti-material Rifles are longer and have more 'awesome-looking' parts than Starbound Sniper Rifles).
I wish God Dame Anti-material Rifles did penetrate enemies and terrain; however, Starbound Sniper Rifles' and God Dame Anti-material Rifles' bullets function exactly the same - having the same look as well as moving at the same speed. Also, Starbound Sniper Rifles and God Dame Anti-material Rifles share the same damage box/area/field upon bullet impact.
I can only give God Dame Anti-material Rifles an average score until further adjustments are done to make them more distinctive and better when compared to Starbound Sniper Rifles (especially seeing other gun mods with differing effects and penetration mechanics). 3/5
HOWEVER, I would highly recommend Superepicgecko's GOD DAME FLAMETHROWERS and GOD DAME CROSSBOWS because both allow a great early access to find flamethrowers and crossbows as your weapon of choice along with providing a good tier/scaling for both of them! X'D
God Dame Flamethrowers
God Dame Crossbows
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God Dame Anti-Material Rifles 1.1
Blow up enemies, cars, houses...