Just a minor update to the last 1.5 Hunger & Thirst mod. I've changed it around so that the player can survive ~3 hours without food and ~2 hours without water. Trying to make this as "realistic" as possible without making the mod way too easy.
The main reason for adding extra stages to hunger and thirst is the visual indicator. I have made a total of.. 10 or 12 custom status symbols to help players know what they're at. The bars next to the hunger and thirst icon are done in Monster Hunter fashion, and will be described below.
Based on 24 ingame hours being 1 hour realtime.
There are 6 stages of both hunger and thirst
Wellfed - 5.5 minutes / Full blue bar
Hungry1 - 20 minutes from full / Black top of bar, green, yellow, and red visible
Hungry2 - 40 minutes from full / Black top of bar, yellow and red visible
Hungry3 - 60 minutes from full -10% speed / Black top of bar, red visible
Hungry4 - 90 minutes from full -20% speed / Bar is blacked out
Hungry5 - ~ 3 hours from full -30% speed / Saps health / Blacked out bar, red X over icon
Wellhydrated - 3.75 minutes / Full blue bar
thirsty1 - 15 minutes from full / Black top of bar, green, yellow, and red visible
thirsty2 - 30 minutes from full / Black top of bar, yellow and red visible
thirsty3 - 45 minutes from full -10% speed / Black top of bar, red visible
thirsty4 - 60 minutes from full -20% speed / Bar is blacked out
thirsty5 - 2 hours from full -30% speed / Saps health / Blacked out bar, red X over icon
No foods have been added from Glad Giraffe. If someone wants to provide me with the names (in the format cookedfish.consumable) and what tier they belong to, I'd happily add them in by the next day. I would've gone ahead and done it, but.. I haven't gotten further than cooking meat and poultry lol. Started a couple of days ago.
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[Glad Giraffe] Updated Longer Hunger & Thirst 0.4
A slightly updated, more informative, and longer version of the curent Hunger & Thirst mod
Recent Updates
- Minor fix Mar 27, 2016
- Rebalance + more food items Mar 22, 2016
- [Glad Giraffe] Updated Longer Hunger & Thirst Mar 16, 2016