its pretty good, im running a server but i want to change the buy factor, i dont know where that is located.
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Galactic Shops 4.4
Shops for many kind of things
- 4/5,
- 4/5,
It's a bit unrefined and could definitely use a polishing pass (especially to correct the grammar and speech) and a greebling pass (to make the market buildings seem a little less bland). Some of the merchant prices also need adjusting, as many of the shops sell "better" items for the same price as other items.
It's a good mod if you want to have access to everything in the game, but a player should beware that it could easily ruin exploration to have everything accessible -- I eventually caved and removed it from my order (mostly for the grammar issue, since that's one of my biggest peeves, but also for this reason =)). -
- 5/5,
- 5/5,
Awesome mod! Am using this in almost all of my playthroughs.
Allows to buy weapons and armor without the hassle of finding the materials o craft them (makes more sense realistically too) -
Noir Korrane
- 3/5,
I love this mod except i am getting a crash every time i try to use the Furniture shop, and i get booted to the main menu. Could someone please help?
The crash tells me something about "DNAplant3"-
Author's Response
Hi. Please next time if you have errors or bugs, let me know in Discussion section. I've looked into it. For me int works fine. Propably you have incompatiobilities with some other mod. You can delete recipe file for: dnaplant3 to fix this
- 5/5,
Galactic Shops is truly a MUST for those who are primarily builders and those who just want to know what vanilla Starbound has to offer!
Offering such lovely categories and distinction from shop to shop, it makes matters so much easier and not laggy at all (in comparison to cluttering all the stuff into one shop)!
"But this mod isn't for legit gameplay."
NONSENSE! Every shop has to be crafted through actual legit recipes and, even then, you have to use your beautiful pixels to buy them stuff from the shops! And - *Oh Boy!* - these pixel prices are reasonable without being game-breaking cheap or too damn high!
Heck, Tremerion was even kind enough to acknowledge that you may be too darn lazy to craft them shops (since several shops are only craftable via the Architect's Table - 3rd tier of Inventor's Table) or that you may be - truly - a legit-only gaming man and ULTIMATELY DEMAND A PLACE TO SHOP FOR STUFF.
Tremerion introduces a Galactic Market.
Wait. Wait for it.
Where you buy the stuff from pre-existing shops - ready as you install the mod.
My only criticism on the Galactic Market right now is that it's immediately accessible for new characters but that's personal preference and can be thrown out of the window! That and I can totally see why it should be available as soon as possible for those who may want to go absolutely bonkers with the stuff. X'D
Either way, this mod and its included Galactic Market is truly for the pragmatic needs of a Starbound player. 5/5
P.S. Did I mention that there's a GALACTIC MARKET? -
- 5/5,
Amazing, really useful and doesn't feel game breaking at all. I really hope you can improve the esthetic part of the Galactic Market, though.
Author's Response
Thank you :) Actualy I am working on Market right now. Filling shops with merchants and decorations, not just big boxes as shops.
- 3/5,
Good mod but there are quite a few glitches with it. 1. if you place a tentacle purchased from the protectorate shop, you cannot get rid of it.
2. in the weapon shop sometimes the shown weapons will switch when you hover over them, and you also get a random weapon if you buy one.-
Author's Response
Thx for a review :) 1. I will remove tentacle in next update.
2. This suppose to happen, this are random weapons. Game generates them everytime you click on them.
- 5/5,
This is great! Fantastic Job! Thank you for making this great game even better with your awesome mods!
- 5/5,
Not everything is currently avaliable, but I love it anyway!
- 5/5,
I've loved this mod since I got it prior to the recent starbound update. It seems to be working for everyone else (hence the 5 stars) but for me it won't show up in the game at all. I'm downloading the file and placing it in my mods folder so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong...
- 4/5,
Really awesome mod. Though the prices could go down lol
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