-remake fly idle animation
-remake fly forward animation
-remake fly backward animation
-change fall down wings animation
-add new fly glide animation
-add new dragon foot step sound when sprinting
-add new wind sound when fly fast
-add sound fade mechanic for loop sound
-add fly glide animation to fly work flow
-make dragon slash skill kill enemy and drop meat
-add split animation mechanic
-add dynamic attack mechanic
-add new breath fire animation
-add new breath fire animation for idle
-add new breath fire animation for walk
-add new breath fire animation for run
-add new breath fire animation for sit
-add new breath fire animation for jump
-add new breath fire animation for fly idle
-add new breath fire animation for fly forward
-add new breath fire animation for fly backward
-add new breath fire animation for fly glide
-add new breath fire animation shader
-add new breath fire animation for idle shader
-add new breath fire animation for walk shader
-add new breath fire animation for run shader
-add new breath fire animation for sit shader
-add new breath fire animation for jump shader
-add new breath fire animation for fly idle shader
-add new breath fire animation for fly forward shader
-add new breath fire animation for fly backward shader
-add new breath fire animation for fly glide shader
-add new frame for all new animation
-add new animation to animation list
-add flame effect for breath fire skill
-add new mechanic camera shake
-add breath fire skill icon
-add breath fire skill attribute damage icon
-add breath fire skill attribute speed icon
-add breath fire skill attribute area icon
-add breath fire unique burn mechanic
-add breath fire active item for skill
-add breath fire skill in skill list
-add flame sound effect
-add burn sound effect
-add roar sound effect
-change frame swapper name for fly animation
-add dynamic animation setting at active item frame reader
-add frame swapper for breath fire skill
-change wing on jump animation
-change fly forward feet to current physic
-network issue overflow data send and incoming
-fixed animation fly try to restart animation when switch between forward backward and idle
-add breath fire skill with unique color
-add breath fire hit animation effect
-add breath fire burn animation effect
-add breath fire smoke particle effect
-add breath fire small light flame particle effect
-fix the can not use skill again when save before skill end
-fix shader do not update after load or use some skill
-fix skill get override by default animation
-fix sometime skill can not be use while flying
-set all breath fire position to correctly all animation
-add crazy flame particle for breath fire skill
-add crazy burn particle for breath fire skill
-change "Breath Fire" skill name to "Fire Blast" by community vote
-fix particle charging effect not remove when stop
-dragon got knockback from use own breath fire skill
-fix flight skill do not effect with knockback
-add exp for breath fire burn
-sync scale of damage and everything for fire breath skill
-tune the base and burn damage for breath fire skill
-change energy orb stop to shoot non aggresive monster
-show message when skill do not unlock
-fix message do not alert when first time character create
-add camera manager
-add toggle camera data
-add shake status mechanic
-add shake object mechanic
-fix breath fire animation not work on network side
-fix fire blast must not be use under water
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
Futara's Dragon Race (Revived Out Date Mod From 2014) 1.302b
FutaraDragon, Dragon, Race, Lover