This is an ongoing battle with balance. This update sees a ton of changes in that regard (all for the better, I promise).
And when the combat update hits, I'll probably need to do even more edits. But at least they'll be easier to do when the weapon damage is already proper.
Note that armors should update automatically to reflect their new stats. Weapons, on the other hand, must be re-crafted to have the new stats.
- adjusted mining gun firing positions
- updated several weapons/tools graphics ( i feel they look a fair bit better now! ): Las Rifle, Penumbrite Miner, Proto Miner, Particle Pistol, Particle Rifle, Particle Cannon, Blister Pistol and Blister Gun
- corrected rise of hylotl weapon tooltip
- increased frequency of lunari crystals
- tweaked a few more damage variables for weapons. If you notice any more that are far too weak for their tier (or vice versa) don’t hesitate to let me know. Things seem pretty good now though!
- reworked all armor and weapon recipes to be more reasonable (in other words, less resource cost by a fair margin), making them more desirable to craft in the first place as you’ll be more likely to have the resources on hand. Only War Angel retains its previous crafting requirements.
- various new projectile physics added to give a bit more variety to weapons
- numerous weapon balance adjustments (all guns have been edited in at least some way, be it a minor adjustment to projectile speed to a complete rebalance of its stats)
-Deep Ones now spawn on Tidewater biomes. They seem to currently only spawn in caverns underwater though. This may be a limitation of the current Stable build.
-fixed atropus meatplant spawns
- meatplant should now properly unlock when picking up rotting flesh
- methanol extracted from wood is now x2. It was simply too much of a pain to get tons of methanol.
- added many changes to the extraction recipes, with more items returning oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon or other resources of use (most of which is in addition to their original drops)
- Many liquids can now be extracted for resources
- increased use of Corrupt themed sub-biomes. This should drastically increase your chances of finding some on various biomes (and since you're going to ask anyhow, you'll probably have the greatest chance of finding what you need on Atropus biomes (dark or standard) )
- biofuels now require vastly less salt, hydrogen, nitrogen
- water now extracts at a ratio of 10:1/1/1 instead of 50:1/1/1
- large plasmaboom explosion reduced in effect by 50% of its radius and reduction of block damage.
- honeycomb and redhoneycomb materials added to beestation (in addition to matter assembler)
- normalcomb now extracts to liquid honey. more combs coming to extraction later
-las rifle graphic has been made more compact and the weapons firing origin has been edited to compensate
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