Oof I've seen a bit of low grading recently and I don't know where it could possibly be coming from!
Howdy friends, welcome to Starbound, a game about exploration of both planet and space, a game where you'll not only build the world around you but also shape the world others get to be in. While the game is great on it's own there is plenty lacking; that's where Frackin Universe comes in.
Have you ever asked yourself why certain things weren't added in that are highly logical? FU has that covered! Ever wanted to make the game take a lot longer because it's got content flowing out the ears? FU has that covered as well! Are you a fan of relative optimization with a few dashes of dangerous exploration coupled with great ideas? You better believe you'll find it with Frackin Universe!
As one of the most highly rated modsets you can find on the Chuckleboards I will gladly announce that those votes are well earned. I recently saw a rather overly critical post from another user and between gritting my teeth and slapping my forehead in confusion I typed out the most honest review I could think of.
Don't just let reviews decide whether or not you want to give this mod a try. Go take a peak at the well illustrated explanation on the main page for the mod and see what kind of great things hide within FU.
Why are you still reading this?! Go play!
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Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.
- 5/5,
Author's Response
I need more info than "not working". Are you using nightly/unstable? If so, you didnt read the main page where it states that it isn't intended to be used with unstable. If it doesn't work on stable, its conflicting with another of your mods. So, toss me an error log and I can get you sorted out if this is the case.
- 2/5,
If your focus is content and you don't care about quality or polish, this should be fine.
This mod is a mash up of many existing mods with some original content thrown in, such as the genetic engineering stuff. It sadly looks very rushed and many parts of the whole mod pack seem to contradict in style/theme with other parts. Some sprites are taken from other games. Much of the mod feels disorganised.
There are also some weird bugs(?), as I've played with this mod I found that some inventory icons were too big, and looked very odd when thrown on the ground. Some NPCs had weird movement. (raptors had weird floating behavior, don't know if this was fixed in the recent update)
I would love to see an overhaul with some original artwork and twists to the added mod content. I like the concepts by this mod but it just feels wrong in so many ways. I'm sorry, please don't take offense. I'd be willing to assist in some way if needed.-
Author's Response
It's fair enough, but the vast majority is original content. Also bear in mind I field pretty much all of it on my own. As one person, I've got a lot to handle in terms of polish, updates etc. Thus, I need to focus on one thing at a time as I go. I can't do everything at once (plus a lot of additions are directly added because players asked for them). Thanks for the honesty, in any case. Can't please everyone. A bit harsh of a review given that you've used it for over a year now, though. PMing with more.
Author's Response
- 5/5,
I'm looking after the version of Frackin Universe for the Glad Giraffe stable version of Starbound. Now it finally updated I'm really excited about it, so may I ask you how long will it take for the adaptation of the mod? Thank you!
Author's Response
huh? It already works for Glad Giraffe. Not sure what you're asking here :)
- 5/5,
This mod is amazing! Hopefully you will keep this great work going!!!
- 5/5,
This mod updates faster than ARK it seems! It makes me think that this mod will be around for at least a few more years (probably even 10 if I had to guess). Also, THE CONTENT! It's so much! I love it. This is a great mod- especially for those of us in the community who like to over-complicate their games with the content that mods like this tend to provide. However, I'm NOT saying that those who don't shouldn't at least give it a try. In fact, the only people who might not like this mod are those who would rather play a simple game like pacman because it runs without lag than a game that may have a little bit of lag, but is so much more enjoyable otherwise.
Author's Response
so much love from the community lately. I dig it! Thanks everyone!
- 5/5,
this is not a mod this needs to become a DLC or the maker needs to be invited to join the star bound dev team or some thing ! bioms crafting sci -power - chemistry-genetics ,it added s much to the game without making it feel out of place the mod was amazing back before the update and its on a new level now i'd give it 500 stars if i can
Author's Response
500 stars seems overboard, but I thank you regardless!
- 5/5,
Great amounts of work were put into making this mod... Adds plenty of new content, almost needs a way to reverse look up items (IE: Being able to check via an item you have how to make it and what machines to use)
- 5/5,
Fantastic Mod. Loads of content, very active modder, epic stuff to find and make. Hugely in depth. I would recommend it to everyone. EVERYONE.
Death 2
- 5/5,
This is an AWESOME mod that I would recommend to people who want an awesome game, much better than the vanilla game.
- 5/5,
If you could only have one mod for Starbound ever, make it this one!
- 5/5,
A.M.A.Z.I.N.G mod! I think it should really be included it stable game!
- 5/5,
Best Mod in my opinion, make the game HUGE and really Fun to explore, Thanks for making this! o(^^o)(o^^o)♪(o^^)o
- 5/5,
FU adds so much I can't really explain it all in this review. The only downside it has is that it is complex and takes a while to learn what you need to do. Once you do understand things you will never be able to play without FU.
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