Hello, your mod is very good, but I wanted to ask you something if this mod is compatible with betaboaud and ExtendedStory
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Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.
- 5/5,
- 5/5,
The best mod in the Universe,
many thanks to the developers for their work. -
Soren Forzeal
- 5/5,
Absolutely massive and gamechanging in a very good way. What can I say except 'This is Frackin' Universe.'
ps. at this point chucklefish should probably hire all the people who developed this amazing mod -
Author's Response
Any time!
- 5/5,
Just reinstall starbound with my friends and finally play this mod for the first time and my god it's almost like playing a new game. There are many protectors out there but you sir, is one of the best. Thank you.
Since you included Foodie's Furniture, please take a look at this too https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1222423828 -
- 5/5,
Thanks for the mod, my customers (mostly 8-11 yes. Old.) in my comp.shop likes Ur mod a lot, when playing Lan, also all my 8 amda4 6300 pcs can handle Ur mod smoothly..again thanks for bringing smiles and excitement to the kids.. keep it up..
- 3/5,
After installing the latest version, the tricorder section with research branches became unavailable due to an error. Third-party mods are not to blame, since everything works fine on the old version.
Author's Response
You simply need to redownload it. The download link goes to our main releases page with .462 available. Grab that one and the issue vanishes. This has been the case for some time. I'll repost on the page just to be sure people are linking to the right place.
- 5/5,
Very good mod, but, i met a bug, the key for dark cavern not appared in the old ruined house. i'm stuck in the tutoriel zone forever ! help !
- 5/5,
pretty good mod, i played it before and now i want to play it again but now i forgot how to downlad the zip. ¿Can someone help me please?
Author's Response
Click the updates tab. Click the link provided. Read the page, find the zip/pak. Press the link.
- 5/5,
Perfect I don't know because of negative reviews, masterpiece, I would like to have your capacity and creativity, eternally grateful, every success for you directly from Brazil, perfect MOD.
- 4/5,
Great mod i almost use it in most of my playthroughs, I Just have one question will the nightars race will be updated like the vanta mod?
- 4/5,
Megamod that adds tons of content that works both ways. Some conent is really nice, adds variation and decorations, on the other hand it overcomplicates stuff, which works against the original game's idea simplicity of crafting and progression.
For example, mod adds multiple new dungeons, planet types, weapons and crafting stations/decorations, but on the other hand introduces multiple resources and crafting methods that serve no other purpose than being time sinks to artificially increase time investment required for progression.
Electrical power based crafting stations is one of the examples that are against base game ideas, since there everything is powered by design. (as a side note: this is de facto other games' domain, totally missed idea imho)
Same goes for research, the passive research bonus based on active session duration encourages long sessions (which is in my opinion despicable) and the research point gathering via other methods is at least cumbersome.
I would really like to see this mod split into multiple smaller modules, so players can choose which parts of the mod are best for them. At the same time developer could see which parts come out the best and are worth further development, and which ones aren't held in high regard.
Personally I definitely would like to see option to disable certain parts of the game, since they make the game not fun, thus once they outweigh the fun ones, I will simply remove the mod which is simply bad for both sides.
4/5 because 3/5 would be too harsh as mod clearly gives large amount of stable and great content. Not a 5/5 due to the flaws I pointed out (and more).-
Author's Response
Great review. Thanks for the honesty! Session playtime bonus is a minor one intended only for users that play for long sessions, and it stops at 3, at which point we encourage the user to take a break because its unhealthy to play for 3+ hours. Nearly all research increases are based purely on tier and exploration.
We won't be breaking this down into modular parts as that in itself is a weeks to months long endeavor that goes against the concept of the mod: an overhaul and reimagining of the base game. It's not -supposed- to be similar! Furthermore, it's all or nothing with several features by virtue of a switch being impossible.
Author's Response
Fenerox dont need to be integrated. They are vanilla, and already in FU. Avali will not be added, as they do just fine where they are :)
- 3/5,
This is an awesome mod. However, you might want to think about optimizing your code. The newer versions of this mod cause microstutter (and occasionally straight up freezes for a second or two), likely from all the new scripts it's running. I understand you might have a good PC, but some of us can't afford a new mobo and CPU just to run this game, especially with the chip and hardware shortages nowdays. In the meantime, I'm using an older release of the mod; an i5 that can run AAA games and even processor heavy games like modded Rimworld without stutter shouldn't be having issues with a single mod added to the vanilla game.
Author's Response
I had a garbage PC and managed to run FU just fine for years with low to no stutter. The impact of FU on a system is not overly hard, honestly. Lower-end PCs -can- be impacted but generally speaking that only happens when people go crazy with powered machines and wiring (or when using dozens of other mods in addition.) With the scope of changes added, this is by and large unavoidable given the API we have to work with. None the less, your criticism is fair, as some are indeed affected. Thanks for playing!
Ethan Sam
- 3/5,
I've always had a few gripes with FU, but I gravely dislike the new research stuff. Is there a way to disable it like racial abilities, or at least make everything researched? Even admin mode won't let you skip through it. Other than that its a wonderful mod, but the research is getting on my nerves.
Author's Response
No. It's a key part of progression, and research is essential to keeping it organised and paced properly. Disabling it simply isn't possible. The old progression method led to a ton of lag, and a completely disorganized and untrackable progression. You -can- admin yourself research to fast-track it, though. If you're savvy, we have "cheat" codes in the code base for dev use that can also adjust that pacing quite a bit.
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