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Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. sayter
    Please attach your starbound.log file, without it I cannot diagnose the problem.
    It can be found in starbound/storage/starbound.log. Open it, copy the contents to pastebin.com and attach that link to me in the forums or a PM.

    Note: If you do not have 1.4 of starbound installed, you cannot use FU. It will not work. Buy the game.

    Other Note: You no longer need FrackinRaces if you use FrackinUniverse. Having both installed will crash you.

    INCOMPATIBLE MODS: https://frackinuniverse.miraheze.org/wiki/Incompatible


    companion add-on:

    want to help but can't code? Try adding to the

    Want to support the project with donations? Click here: https://www.patreon.com/sayter

    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/eV9dP4w


    The absolutely most recent build here:

    for detailed instructions on using and keeping up to date with the GitHub version read Xylia's guide here: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/how-to-update-with-github.123937/


    SAIL changes for modded races/ships : https://github.com/xn-5o8h/FUSAILModdedRaceSupport

    If using *modded* races, you will want the FU BYOS addon here https://community.playstarbound.com/resources/official-fu-byos-modded-race-patch.5094/

    For install/uninstall and game version information click the spoiler. Note that this mod may impact existing characters. Start a NEW character for it so you don't ruin your favorite avatar. You've been warned.

    Below in the spoiler are some important notes on installation, compatibility , etc. Ignore them at your peril.

    To install: Place the unzipped folder in the base Starbound/mods/ directory

    New install and can't see the new biomes?: View the star-system navigation screen. Scroll until it says "Processing". That should be a fresh enough area to generate the new worlds.

    If you wish to uninstall the mod, you must delete your universe (and probably your characters as well, if you are wearing tons of FU gear).

    Included Mods you don't need from elsewhere:
    Augment Extractor
    Harvester Beamgun
    Dungeoneer Dungeons
    Patchwork Hair
    Enhanced Weapon Generation
    Legacy Dungeons
    Extra Dungeons
    Memento Mori
    Slime Race
    Kirhos Race
    Mantizi Race

    Mods that go great with FU:
    Elithian Races
    Avali Triage

    Attribution: see included credits file


    The largest mod for Starbound, FrackinUniverse combines new biomes, a hugely increased crafting system, science, monsters, tiles and hundreds of other assets to the game. It's 5 years in the making now, and quite huge. A few things to expect:
    • Explore dozens of new biomes​
    • Create hundreds of new armors, weapons and tools that round out the vanilla tiers, or add "side-grades" with varied stats but unique stat bonuses, effects and abilities​
    • 100+ new monsters​
    • Thousands of new tiles, decorations, craftables and more​
    • Hundreds of microdungeons, quests, and a new quest hub​
    • Massive end-game dungeons​
    • Unique techs and augments​
    • Completely revamped game mechanics​
    • Custom crew members with FU specific buffs to make your adventuring life much easier​
    • Vast array of new effects, both helpful and hazardous​
    • Reworked mech stats​
    • Rebalanced defense, attack and combat stats​
    • New combat abilities​
    • Brand new weapon types​
    • and much, much more!​




    FU will change several aspects of vanilla play, in terms of survival (see EPP notes below for a specific example) and has a learning curve. Some find the learning curve rather steep. Others do not. So bear this in mind.
    • Starting missions after Graduation Day are different. You will *require* a fresh universe and character for best results. You will not recieve all content otherwise.​
    • Your character will no longer possess a light aura in darkness, as darkness is an important part of many parts of FU.​
    • Walking on certain tile types will produce various effects. Slowed walking in mud, slipping on ice...burning on hot rocks, etc. Be prepared.​
    • If you can't figure out a recipe....build all the basic materials you can. Generally you're likely to be missing something in the progression and inadvertently trying to skip a step.​
    Play through the mod, work through the techs (including the genetically engineered plants!), and create stuff. Intro-level things unlock other things, and everything builds up until you are a kick-ass name-taking machine of destruction and SCIENCE.


    For a detailed guide on how to use the included automation systems in FU, refer to this guide:

    Q: How do I tell if it's working?
    A: Quite simple. When you launch starbound, look at the main menu screen. Do you see "Powered by Frackin Universe"? If so, you're good to go!

    Q: Will this work on a server?
    A: Read : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=734496146&searchtext=Frackin+Universe

    Q: How do I run a server?
    A: Read : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=735510285

    Q: Do I need to delete my characters and universe before I start? Will it work with the character I already have?
    (or any possible variation of this question)
    A: No, you do not.
    However, you will need to travel a fair ways away on your starmap in order to generate the new biome types. Generally a few seconds will do. So yes, it will work with your existing character. I recommend a clean universe, personally, but that's only if you absolutely want to have FU planets right near your starting location.

    Q: I seem to be taking forever to generate my starting planets. It's in warp for like...ever.
    A: Starbound is generating a universe and looking for a starting system that fits exact specifications. Because FU adds so many biomes it increases the time it takes to find the setup. I recommend visiting the Science Outpost when this happens, which can be triggered from your shiplocker items. By the time you come back you'll have your starting planet visible and a quest to begin!

    Q: Where do I find (ITEM NAME)?!?!?!
    A: Everything has a source. You just need to figure out what that source is. That's part of the mod. Exploration, experimentation...just seeing what sort of things lead to others and eventually ending up with a hard-core science lab. The wiki link given on this page right after the FAQ is a good source of information.

    Q: Does FU add quests/missions or bosses?
    A: Yes

    Q: Does FU affect the main storyline or game progression?
    A: No. The only true progression change is with EPP packs (see above sections for info on that). Otherwise you can progress exactly as normal through the base game.

    Q: I can't find something on the Wiki
    A: The wiki is player maintained. So, if you find something missing you can feel free to add it in.

    Q: My EPP pack isn't working
    A: Yes it is. Read the mod description information above for more details about how they operate now.

    If for some reason you want to hurl money at me for my labors: https://www.patreon.com/sayter
    Wiki (player maintained): https://frackinuniverse.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page
    Don't use the Fandom one. It's trash, and so is Fandom.

    CF Forum version found here: http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/frackinuniverse.2920/
    GitHub project version location is here: https://github.com/sayterdarkwynd/FrackinUniverse

    A great number of mods and features in FU are from contributors or other authors. Check out the included credits.txt here: https://github.com/sayterdarkwynd/FrackinUniverse/blob/master/_FUcredits.config or visit https://github.com/sayterdarkwynd/FrackinUniverse for info​
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Do not include this mod in compilations.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
    gagalka, Croneia, N31m4d and 112 others like this.

Recent Updates

  2. 6.4.8
  3. 6.4.7

Recent Reviews

  1. Alexfrito
    Version: 6.4.0
    Hello, your mod is very good, but I wanted to ask you something if this mod is compatible with betaboaud and ExtendedStory
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      There is a link to the incompatible mod list right on the main page. Please visit it.
  2. kaoslab
    Version: 6.3.9
    Can't be beat!
  3. Limbom
    Version: 6.3.9
    The best mod in the Universe,
    many thanks to the developers for their work.
  4. Soren Forzeal
    Soren Forzeal
    Version: 6.2.9
    Absolutely massive and gamechanging in a very good way. What can I say except 'This is Frackin' Universe.'
    ps. at this point chucklefish should probably hire all the people who developed this amazing mod
  5. faennia
    Version: 6.2.82
    Pretty nice mod!
  6. DeMenchev
    Version: 6.2.7
    Thank you for the best starbound mod!
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      Any time!
  7. dr.infern
    Version: 6.2.1
    its huge and it good!. dyeable enforcer helm would be cool
  8. masqu
    Version: 6.2.1
    Just reinstall starbound with my friends and finally play this mod for the first time and my god it's almost like playing a new game. There are many protectors out there but you sir, is one of the best. Thank you.
    Since you included Foodie's Furniture, please take a look at this too https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1222423828
  9. cwilljay
    Version: 6.1.462
    Thanks for the mod, my customers (mostly 8-11 yes. Old.) in my comp.shop likes Ur mod a lot, when playing Lan, also all my 8 amda4 6300 pcs can handle Ur mod smoothly..again thanks for bringing smiles and excitement to the kids.. keep it up..
  10. TheMightyWarrior
    Version: 6.1.462
    The best starbound mod of all time!