Sayter! FIrst of all beautiful mod and thank you for all of your hard work on everything you've done. Second I thought that maybe as someone who is learning Russian as a second language I could assist with that one guy's post. He said that he found a bug where, upon attempting to upgrade his Matter Manipulator, the game says "You don't have a Matter Manipulater yet." He also mentioned that he loaded the game with a clean, unmodified version of Starbound. I assume he meant before installing Frackin Races? I hope that was helpful. ^^
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FrackinRaces 5.3
Enables racial abilities for all Vanilla races, and many modded ones too!
- 5/5,
- 4/5,
I would give five stars if I wouldn't having problems upgrading my M.M... :c Anyway I love the mod, good job... But if there's something I can do to fix it pls tell me... Thank you.
- 5/5,
С этим модом есть 1 баг - после его установки невозможно улучшить Matter Manipulator. Пишет :"You don't have a Matter Manipulator yet."
П.С.: Установлен на чистый Starbound без модов.-
Author's Response
If every post on this page, and every bit of description is in English...why would you even think that I speak russian? This text is useless to me
- 5/5,
Is it bad that I use this mod to decide which races to add? Though I still want more races to be compatible with this... there is never enough races.
- 5/5,
An amazing Mod, It really makes the game more realistic and enjoyable, and just to imagine the work being put into this mod is just amazing due to the fact that the mod supports dozens of races.Kudos to you Mod Creator.
- 5/5,
I love this racial mod, each new set of skills and drawbacks that I've tested so far make the game feel more challenging but easier as well in certain aspects! Keep up the wonderful work if you plan to continue, and here's hoping for a penguin race abilities list as well!
- 5/5,
Just. Amazing. This mod gives a true gameplay variation between each race, and it increases the roleplay immersion. I love it. Good job! ;)
- 5/5,
man i love how your mod incresses imersion and changes the playing style :D Could you make a racial ability for the greckans?
Author's Response
greckans are on the list of races to add :)
- 5/5,
I play Avali because raptors are one of my favorite dinosaurs and now I love the slow fall they give me because gravity is my biggest enemy in most games. How came they aren't weak to fire/heat, it is stated "Goldilocks worlds similar to Earth intolerably hot." and "In light of this, the Avali tend to require survival gear, cybernetics or EVA suits when exploring warmer worlds." Now if only I can get Avali work with FU.
Also I have found that for some reason this mod breaks whips, I have tried every combination of my mods, and it only breaks when I install this one, even by itself.-
Author's Response
todays fix will correct the whip problem
Corgi King
- 5/5,
This is a great mod for making races play differently, Makes game-play better. I do have one problem however. When I create a new Kemono character, their stats don't display in the creation window. Its not game breaking because I still have the stats and everything, but it would be better if the stats showed on the window. Maybe a missing .species .patch file?
Author's Response
not "missing" so much as "haven't gotten to it yet". Most of the custom races are missing this right now. It's on the agenda :)
- 4/5,
Why apex are fast? They evolved their mind, at cost of lover physical stats, as provided in their description.
Author's Response
That doesn't mean they aren't naturally more strong or fast than other species in comparison. They needed something to make them viable against the other races, since there is nothing I can do in-game to simulate greater intellect.
- 3/5,
This mod is very nice & useful but I thing it need to have more balance in both advantages and disadvantages.
Author's Response
Some do outshine others, but its a constantly tinkered with thing. But its not really imbalanced. You can't really use the stats as presented on paper as a sole measure
- 4/5,
realy good mod but...
i whould like to see more negative stuff on each "Race"
because it seems a bit overpowerd compaired to the basegame.
still lov this mod , makes the different chars more... well...
"different" to play ^^ -
- 5/5,
I love all the race trait bonuses, as most of them make a lot of sense (why did the glitch have to breath air in the vanilla game to begin with?) also if I could make a request, could you give the availi the slightly lower food rate like some of the other races, as it states on their wiki that they have a slow metabolism and low light vision, while being nearly blind on bright worlds, just some suggestions for that one, though I understand if you dont want to add more to them, as they already have quite a few racial things from this mod.
Author's Response
oh , nice..i hadnt noticed the metabolism thing.
perhaps. I plan to redo a lot of racial abilities soon from the ground up. We'll see what shakes out at that point.
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