I was playing around with Randomly Generated Gun parts and thought of this hope you enjoy
They Are Crafted from a Flaregun Panel
There are 2 versions they also have 1 handed and 2 handed variations
1st Version is all vanilla assets so can be used on servers without the mod
2nd Version are Emergency Flares that are custom projectiles
1 handed variations are nice for Grappling Hook + Flaregun exploration
2 handed variations have alternate abilities
Flaregun has a flashlight attachment
Emergency Flare gun shoots a slow falling flare you can light up an area with
All versions are fun
More info and pictures to come
Remember to review if you like the mod!!
It helps me to know im taking this mod in the right direction
PLEASE Bug report in the DISCUSSION area NOT IN REVIEW!!!
Thanks Again Everyone!!!
Have Fun!!
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Flare Guns 1.0
Randomly Generated Guns That Shoot Flares