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Fishing Tuner Redux 1.3.1

Fine-tune your fishing experience.

  1. Hammurabi
    ---------- INTRODUCTION ----------

    Fishing Tuner Redux v1.3.0, by Hammurabi
    A mod to allow you to customize a large number of aspects of the fishing minigame in Stardew Valley.

    ---------- REQUIREMENTS ----------

    This mod was created with Stardew Valley v1.11 and SMAPI v1.8. It has not been tested on earlier versions, nor on the new SV v1.2 / SMAPI v1.9.

    ---------- INSTALLATION ----------

    Place the "FishingTunerRedux" mod in Stardew Valley/Mods/ (if this folder does not exist, you may not have SMAPI installed correctly).

    ---------- SOURCE CODE ----------

    The source code for this project is provided in the SourceCode folder.

    ---------- PERMISSIONS ----------

    Full permission is provided to repackage, modify, and/or redistrubute this mod. Credit is appreciated but not required.

    ---------- VERSION HISTORY ----------

    v1.3.0: Added location-based config settings.
    v1.2.0: Added fishing point config settings.
    v1.1.0: Added an option for a once-per-day limit to recatching legendary fish.
    v1.0.1: Fixed a bug in the nibble-time handling of fishing points, removed unnecessary debug messages.
    v1.0.0: Initial release.

    ---------- CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ----------

    After starting the game, any missing config files will be created. The default values of the config files should mimic the unmodified game almost exactly.

    Here is a brief overview of how the various config file settings:

    RefreshConfigKey: Pressing this button will reload all of the config files, so that you don't need to exit the game to tweak settings.
    VerboseLogging: If enabled, there will be more detailed outputs of what the mod is doing. This is not recommended unless you are experiencing a bug.
    RecatchLegendaries: If enabled, you will be able to re-catch legendary fish. Note that the legendary fish WILL still be added to your save file, so you should still get the achievement; however, you should get it at the end of the day rather than immediately.
    AlwaysPerfect: If enabled, any successful catch will be counted as being a perfect catch.
    AlwaysFindTreasure: If enabled, treasure will always appear.
    InfiniteTackle: If enabled, tackle durability will be continuosly set to full while you have your fishing rod selected.
    InfiniteBait: If enabled, your equipped bait will be continuously set to its maximum stack size while you have your fishing rod selected.
    BaseDifficultyMultiplier: The difficulty value of fish is multiplied by this value at the start of the fishing minigame.
    BaseDifficultyAdditive: After the multiplier is applied, this value is added to the difficulty of the fish at the start of the fishing minigame.
    BaseBobberSize: The initial size of the bobber bar that the player controls.
    BaseFishSizeReductionTimer: The amount of time, in milliseconds, before the fish's size is reduced.
    BaseTreasureChance: The base chance, on a 0 to 1 scale, that treasure will show up while reeling in a fish.
    BaseFishCatchPercentage: The initial progress, on a 0 to 1 scale, of the reel-in bar. Note that if this starts at 0, the player will automatically lose.
    BaseNewFishTypeCatchPercentage: The modifier to catch percentage that should be added if the player has not yet caught the fish type in question. This does not apply to legendary fish.
    BossFishInitialCatchPercentageAdditive: The amount that should be added to the initial catch percentage for legendary fish.
    BossFishInitialCatchPercentageMultiplier: The amount the initial catch percentage should be multiplied by for legendary fish. Note that this is applied after the additive value above.
    BaseFishCatchProgressGainRate: The base amount that is added to the catch percentage each millisecond that the fish icon is within the bobber bar.
    BaseFishCatchProgressLossRate: The base amount that is subtracted from the catch percentage each millisecond that the fish icon is outside of the bobber bar.
    BaseTreasureCatchProgressGainRate: The base amount that is added to the treasure catch percentage each millisecond that the chest icon is within the bobber bar.
    BaseTreasureCatchProgressLossRate: The base amount that is subtracted from the treasure catch percentage each millisecond that the chest icon is outside the bobber bar.
    BaseFishAccelerationMultiplier: The base multiplier on fish movement speed.
    BaseBobberBarAccelerationMultiplier: The base multiplier on the bobber bar's movement speed.
    BaseGravityFactor: If a gravity factor is set, then the fish icon will be pulled towards either the bottom or top of the fishing gauge (depending on whether the gravity is positive or negative).
    BaseHookStickiness: Hook stickiness will cause the bobber bar to follow the fish icon's movement, with the degree of stickiness controlling how fast it moves towards the fish icon's position.
    BaseBounciness: The base amount of speed that the bobber bar should retain after bouncing off of the top or bottom of the fishing gauge. The larger the value, the further it will bounce.
    MinTreasureAppearanceTime: The minimum number of milliseconds required for a treasure chest to appear, if one is set to appear at all.
    MaxTreasureAppearanceTime: The maximum number of milliseconds required for a treasure chest to appear, if one is set to appear at all.
    MinTimeUntilBite: The base minimum time until a fish begins to nibble at your hook.
    MaxTimeUntilBite: The base maximum time until a fish begins to nibble at your hook.
    FishingPointBiteTimeAdditive: The value that should be added to both the min and max bite times if the player has cast into a fishing point (the bubbly areas of water).
    FishingPointBiteTimeMultiplier: The value that both the min and max bite times should be multiplied by if the player has cast into a fishing point (the bubbly areas of water).
    MinNibbleTime: The base minimum amount of time that a fish should nibble at your hook before giving up. This is the time you have to react to the exclamation point.
    MaxNibbleTime: The base maximum amount of time that a fish should nibble at your hook before giving up. This is the time you have to react to the exclamation point.
    FishingPointNibbleTimeAdditive: The value that should be added to both the min and max nibble times if the player has cast into a fishing point (the bubbly areas of water).
    FishingPointNibbleTimeMultiplier: The value that both the min and max nibble times should be multiplied by if the player has cast into a fishing point (the bubbly areas of water).

    Most of the other settings are just modifications of these values based on criteria like luck, fishing level, bait, tackle, etc., but there are some other noteworthy ones:
    FishEscapeDuringTreasureMultiplier: The amount that the BaseFishCatchProgressLossRate should be multiplied by while there is a treasure chest icon in the bobber bar.
    FishEscapeDuringTreasureAdditive: The amount that should be added to the BaseFishCatchProgressLossRate while there is a treasure chest icon in the bobber bar.
    SinkAccelerationBonus: The acceleration bonus that a fish motion type should receive each millisecond (accumulating) while moving towards the bottom of the fishing gauge.
    SinkAccelerationBonusLimit: The maximum sinking acceleration bonus that can be applied each millisecond.
    FloatAccelerationBonus: The acceleration bonus that a fish motion type should receive each millisecond (accumulating) while moving towards the top of the fishing gauge.
    FloatAccelerationBonusLimit: The maximum floating acceleration bonus that can be applied each millisecond.
    SmoothMovementChance: The chance, multiplied by the fish's difficulty score, that the fish will use the smooth motion calculations.
    DartChance: The chance, multiplied by the fish's difficulty score, that the fish will use the darting motion calculations.

    For CastDistance.json, DailyLuck.json, FishDifficulty.json, FishingLevel.json, and PlayerLuck.json, keep in mind that all values are multiplied by the relevant factor (and, in the case of multipliers, then added to 1).

    For location settings:
    LocationNames: A list of map names that the settings apply to. Can also use "UndergroundMine_x", where "x" is the floor number of one of the underground lakes.
    BoundingBoxes: A list of coordinate pairs separated by ,|/ or \ which represent the top-left and bottom-right corners of affected areas. -1 for the bottom-right represents map width or map height.
    ExclusionBoxes: A list of coordinate pairs separated by ,|/ or \ which represent the top-left and bottom-right corners of unaffected areas.
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.

Recent Updates

  1. v1.3.1
  2. v1.3.0
  3. v1.2.0