Hello! I am MissMarifire, bringing you some incredibly poorly made mod for Starbound!
This version of Firebound Hair is outdated, and due to people stealing this mod, I will solely host it on the Steam Workshop. I will no longer update this version of the mod. For newer versions, please refer to the Steam Workshop version.
Disclamer: MissMarifire is not to be held responsible for the spontaneous combustion of your Starbound character when using Firebound Hair. Do not use Firebound Hair while running, eating, or rendezvousing with any Team Aqua members or affiliates, or else you will be in serious risk of spontaneous combustion and/or legendary fish wrestling. Call your doctor if you have a serious allergic reaction to absolutely extreme levels of fabulousness before installing this mod. Improper use of doing so results in excessive sneezing, sexy saxophone lessons, or death by fabulousness overdose.
This mod, Firebound Hair, adds a countless number of hairstyles which I was too lazy to keep track of, for both males and females alike for most races. I do plan on making a lot more. I mean a lot. At least 100. lodesehairs
(I mean seriously, Mari, you didn't get ALL the screenshots for the hairstyles? You lazy butt.)
Most of the hairstyles are shared between races, and may seem to be not really fitting for the races. THESE ARE PLACEHOLDERS FOR NOW. Unless you guys like that. I don't judge, I'll leave them be if you like them so much.
If you would like to request a hairstyle for the mod, please feel free!
Just put it in your mods folder.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
Outdated Firebound Hair Firebound Hair 1.6
70-ish and counting hot hairstyles that only have a tested 5% chance of burning you to death!
Recent Updates
- Firebound Hair 1.6 Jan 2, 2017
- Firebound Hair v.1.5 Jul 2, 2015
- Firebound Hair v1.4 Update May 30, 2015