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[FFS]Feast of Fire and Smoke 2.0hotfix6

Last generation of gunshop/gunners mod

  1. HiroyasuAkira
    Version: 3.0
    That Mod Is AWESOME !!! (*OOO*)
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thaaaaaaank youuuu!!!! :D
      Have a good game!
      and, wait for next update!! XD
  2. Bat-Man
    Version: 3.0
    Bat-Man Approves this!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thank you, sir! XD

      Wait for update 4.0!
  3. caernarvonvi
    Version: 3.0
    항상 잘 쓰고있습니다! 제가 본 모드중에서는 가장 스케일이 큰 모드입니다, 감사합니다
    I can always use a very large-scale mode. Thank you!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      첫 한글로된 리뷰네요 XD
      늘 이용해주셔서 감사합니다 (_ _ )

      4.0업데이트에서 매우 대규모 컨텐츠가 준비되어있으니 4.0도 많이 기대해주세요!
  4. Ssstabbounder
    Version: 3.0
    Now THAT'S how the guns are supposed to be. I love the way you balanced it.
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thank you for your compliment.
      wait for UPDATE4.0 :)
  5. Syncro
    Version: 3.0
    Nice MOD!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Cool reply!!
  6. Haroiden
    Version: 3.0
    Such Weapons much tanks so guns
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thank you :)

      Have a good game!
  7. Momentousmario
    Version: 3.0
    Desert eagle and Python?
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      you can find DE with Magnum at next update.
      wait for next update :)
  8. NotSame
    Version: 3.0
    My god! Your updates just keep making this better.
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks a lot !
      i'll make UPDATE4.0 more better. XD
  9. EpicNomming
    Version: 3.0
    Great update. Love the new tiers, and the new guns.
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks for reply. XD
      Have a good game!
  10. That Bearded Dragon
    That Bearded Dragon
    Version: 3.0
    Upon inspection,I wondered if this mod was worth it.Then I downloaded and played 5 days strate.Then I now award you with a 10/10 review,what could possibilly go wrong?
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thank you for your compliment. I feel like in the air! XD
      Have a nice game!
  11. EpicNomming
    Version: MOD2.3 FIX
    Amazingly done, was a bit skeptical of the whole "merchants selling guns" form of obtaining the items, as I had never seen it before, but this mod i very well done. I can't wait for 3.0 XD
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks to your word. XD
      3.0 is already Completed!! wait a half hour please!
  12. AshayaRose
    Version: MOD2.3 FIX
    i luv this mod i use the AT rocket launcher to mine my ore its much faster then my Diamond drill LOL XD but if at all possible try to make a secondary fire mode for certain guns like the M16 with a grenade launcher to fire grenades instead of getting an invisble grenade launcher also i think its possible to create throwing frag grenades or sticky grenades but then again thats to much coding n e way awesome mod ^^
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      so much Thanks to your word ^0^
      i have already effort to make 'secondary-fire mod' but, its too hard to succeed T_T

      anyway, i'm so glad to that you love my AT rocket Launcher. 0w0
      I'll make new Launcher for you - wait for next update XD
  13. Maxiplayer
    Version: MOD2.3 FIX
    Just gimme the light then I will start the show!!! NICE JOB! Can't wait for more ;3
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      heh heh XD
      have a good game!
  14. Super6fraiw
    Version: MOD2.1 FIX
    Tanks so much for update ^^ and this mod is fabuluss
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks for your words :)
      wait for next update!
  15. ziggydark
    Version: MOD2.1 FIX
    I LOVE THIS MOD!!! I really like when I get my buddy's on my server and we find a random person we love to get the Tanks And just slaughter his house! :3 This game brings Starbound and COD in to my Server!!! :D Keep up the good work!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks for feedback!

      have a nice game XD
  16. OGy43
    Version: MOD2.1 FIX
    Its really cool mod maybe just cause modern combat is flowing deep in my blood but in my opinion the guns are bit huge....would aprecciate a little smaller versions of them but what ever cant wait for next update...!!!YOU ROCK BUDDY!!!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks :)
      i think next version will be 3.0.

      plz, wait for next update! XD
  17. legal1ze
    Version: MOD2.1 FIX
    i spawned them but they dont sell anything ?
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Make a new character and find again.
      if that's not help, please tell me your using mod list :)
      i'll check about that.

      Thanks for feedback.
  18. Lancy
    Version: MOD2.1 FIX
    really freaking nice!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks! XD Have a nice game!!
  19. Sarduka
    Version: MOD2.1 FIX
    OH... I forgot to rate here...
    One of my favorite mods!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thank you! XD
      Have a nice game!
  20. jura7
    Version: MOD2.1 FIX
    Good job, thank you for great mod!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      and, Thank you for your word ! XD