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[FFS]Feast of Fire and Smoke 2.0hotfix6

Last generation of gunshop/gunners mod

  1. Nazgul_sauron
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    I cant seem to dowload as a .zip file everything i try only gives me a notepad
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      zip file?
      um.. well, This mod files are made by '7zip' program.

      you need to install 7zip. :3
      please search in internet!

      have a good game!
  2. dinoboy555
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    awesome mod
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thank you :)
      Have a good game!
  3. Super6fraiw
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    I love Your mod !! Thanks a lot for this !! ^^
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks for your word! XD
  4. dragonicle
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    퀄리티가 엄청난 모드입니다!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
  5. stier
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    nice mod! thanks!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks to you xD
      Have a good game!
  6. nikita1235476
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    please weapons smaller and add a box with all the things.
    and add robots
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      weapon resize? nope. I can't.
      weapons detail need to enough scale.
      so, i can't resizing weapons. sorry.

      and, i'll consider about 'boxing'.

      and robot..
      well, I'm already consider about 'packbot' or 'talon'..
      but , if you mean robots.. like 'mech worrior'..
      That's ABSOLUTELY NO. :3 ok?

      This is gunshop mod. not a SF mod. right?
  7. Vltimecia
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    I love this mod so much for SB. I appreciate the update you d here as it gives you more things to do to actually earn the items respectfully as opposed to buying them.

    If I may some ideas?
    1. I dunno if it is possible but maybe some Tech skills that throw grenades or plant bombs {sounds pretty cool).

    2. Anything from clothes to weapons from Metal Gear Solid. (would drive people crazy)

    If I think of anything else I'll let you know but last thing is a little critique-ish: The Coil weapons are awesome but I'm sure maybe a tone down in color and more detail to make them blend in with your other stuff because they seem out of place just because of that. Other then that your doing an awesome job keep it up!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks for your kindness feedback. :)

      This is my answer.
      1. Gunshop 4.0 already have grenade with c4, Claymore(mine). you mean that update the tech using grenade or mine ,right?
      um.. well, Gunshop-update-list has been based on real weapons or equipments. if there any model's in real vehicles you want, just tell me that model. I'll check about that :D

      2.Coool. but, I'll update that only real name. :)
      (ex : snake's handgun(X) MK23(O) )

      3.well.. i think that too. I'll change that next update. :)

      if you want some more, just write please.

      Have a nice day! xD
  8. Apple Juice
    Apple Juice
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    Cannot seem to play this at all. I've tried new characters, old characters and almost everything across the board and I still can't craft anything. Needs urgent fixing.
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      wait, you use only this mod?
      if you use any other mod, that can makes crashing.
      This mod was tested by thousands players, and work well.

      just follow this, and feedback to me.
      if you don't, i can't help you.

      1. Backup all files in your starbound.
      2. Delete starbound.
      3. Install starbound.
      4. Install Gunshop 4.0
      5. play new character, and check mod.

      if you find gunshop, thats must be mod-crashing.
      then, you subtract crashing-mod.
  9. WaniWani
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    pew pew!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      bbew bbew!!
  10. leviela
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    Nice b...nope, nice mod XD
    Thanks for updating! plz call again in next version's test! :)
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks >_<
      see u in next test!
  11. Arles
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    It's WONDERFUL!!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thank you :)
      have a good game!
  12. Maxiplayer
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      ありがとうございます! >w< )>
  13. EpicNomming
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    Would rate higher.
    Wow. All I have to say. I didn't quite grasp the size of this update until I downloaded it. At first I was skeptical of the medal system, but after going through the missions, it's really cool. I love the new interface, but there's one problem: THEY ARE MASSIVE! I had to make a sky platform to just have all the crafting stations. They sure look cool, though. Best weapon mod out there, with nice progression and armor.
    One last thing, and this brings a tear to my eye.
    Dog Tags.
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      haha xD

      Thanks to your word :)
      Large object can makes your own city.
      I want to make some.. interior items. so i make them BIG XD

      Have a good game xD
  14. MANIAC99
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    This mod is fantastic! I have a few requests, a ballistics armor suit tier 10, some swat tactical gear and a groza assault rifle from stalker. Thanks!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Groza , S.W.A.T gear... oK! I'll consider about that xD
      Have a good game!
  15. Lucifer9669
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    <3 SVD
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Dragunov! XD
  16. willowseo
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    라이엣지는 덜렁이래요!
    You seem to have a lot of really mistake!!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      필요없습니다! 그런 속성 (...)
      그래도 테스트하시느라 수고하셨습니다 (_ _)
  17. 엔실리퓨
    Version: 4.2FIX2
    영어실력 키워볼려고 영어로 써보려했으나 포기...

    이런 모드 만들어주셔서 감사합니다 응원할게요!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      써주신 것 만으로도 감사드립니다 XD

      즐거운 게임되세요!
  18. willowseo
    Version: 3.0
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thank you :3
  19. SSpanzer
    Version: 3.0
    After a few months of playing starbound, i began to lose interest and stopped playing for about 6 months....that all ended when i found out about this mod which really turned around my view of starbound. Now the game is so much more fun and cool due to having real guns and not weird low damage crap guns that can only fire 6 shots before using all your energy.

    Keep going!! you are making a great mod!!
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thank you! XD
      your words help me a lot!

      Have a nice day :D
  20. KamHaZard
    Version: 3.0
    Man, this is amazing, this creative ideas, how it realised, you got 20/10 :) Don't stop please, improve this, and this world will be yours :)
    p.s. : I'm fan of handguns, expand this weapon category in next updates please =)
    1. leyhan
      Author's Response
      Thanks for your compliment! XD

      i think you got a second sight :D
      4.0 already now on testing.

      4.0 contains lots of object with "200"guns!!
      and, S.C.A.A medal system, boss monster raid mission!

      you will like it alot :D

      Wait for couple weeks and have a nice day!