lol this mod its amazing... i just want to know what "Lotto" its used for...(sorry about my bad english...don't know much) xD
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[FFS]Feast of Fire and Smoke 2.0hotfix6
Last generation of gunshop/gunners mod
- 5/5,
Author's Response
and gunshop lov this reply.
- 5/5,
I love how this mod works and sadly I barely got to use it before the update came out. I hope the mod gets updated soon so I can play with it again :)
Author's Response
heh heh xD
you can play Alpha version of gunshop in next week!
- 5/5,
This mod is amazing as hell, I wonder if the next update will make it compatible with upbeat giraffe if so will it be up soon?
Author's Response
Next update need a week or more i think :)
Sir Bananington
- 4/5,
Awsome mod, but you forgot to add a important item: Explosive Banana.
Author's Response
Author's Response
oops, Thanks for your word :)
hav a good day!
- 3/5,
I love the guns, but the author needs to learn the meaning of "Game balance" the enemies you fight in this mod either spam incredibly destructive attacks or hit hard enough to kill you in 1-3 hits in full impervium armor.
The armor included in the mod is worthless for fighting enemies included in the mod and is only good for aesthetics apparently due to the Armor to HP ratio; which is none, you get no HP boosts from any of them, and the ones that due slow your move speed.
The tanks and helios are awesome, but what's with the missile trucks? why would I need these? who uses them?
But really guns are what make this mod shine. They're all beautifully done with a expert eye for detail and authenticity. the Rail-guns could use some work, and so could the drills, but they're the only things that need work other than some other minor tweaks that could be implemented.
In conclusion. if you don't mind turning on god mode to get the stuff necessary to craft the guns, you'll have fun. I'd prefer if there was a way to just Build the guns from parts and ores/ingots, which would make this mod easier to integrate into regular play.
also, the spammy screeching sound effects, get rid of that, its not a good idea :I-
Author's Response
Thanks for feedback.
This mod have plenty of problems.
Because of trial and error. you know. :)
Next version will be more better than before.
wait for next update.
- 5/5,
The best mod ever.
Modern Warfare, etc.
but, the tier should be decreased to get easily outmatched by the XS Corporation mod... like giving a sniper only 200 damage, not too very op..-
Author's Response
yes. this mod need more balancing.
Thanks for your word. :)
- 5/5,
So much pew pew in a single Mod.
Great Weapons (a little bit huge), Tanks, Bombs and everything what kills.
Greetings from Germany.-
Author's Response
season 2 already hav resizing xD
wait for next update.
hav a good day :)
- 2/5,
Maybe this mod good. But why should I use a non-standard archiver? Especially that the file is corrupted ... Yes, and also a link to an external resource.
Found the same mod but on another site, VIRUSES !!! Achtung !!! I do not care what is contained in this package 7zip, I really do not care. Do not download it anywhere!-
Author's Response
another site?
I guarantee only this forum's file.
if you hav some trouble with file from another route, I can't help u.
+ ps
I scanned every link with AVIRA in right route (ex. forum, tistory), can't find any virus.
Author's Response
You can get that medal by following this way.
-> use medal converter
-> 5 S medal can be converted with 1SS medal.
Hav a good game!
- 5/5,
Great mod! I would like in future updates jeeps. What do you think?
Author's Response
but i think that can be when 'Starbound ver1.0' is available.. not now :(
sry for that Mr.carton.
- 4/5,
Power armor seems to make me stuck not sure if its a bug or im doing something wrong, also could you make pistols one handed? Dual wielding pistols seems pretty awesome
Author's Response
power armor can 'walk'. if you push 'L-shift'. that is balancing.
and you can convert 2-hand pistol to 1-hand pistol at 'convert station'.
Hav a good day.
- 4/5,
This is a great mod; awesome sounds and amazing models.
The only problem I have with this mod is the fact that, compared to vanilla guns, the guns in this pack seem absolutely gigantic. Especially the sniper rifles. To the point where it seems a bit silly. Although one would think it seems silly to hold a rifle twice the size of my body.-
Author's Response
yeah. that is chronic problem in gunshop mod. :(
balancing with quality and sizing..but that is hard.
well, next season II has been resizing. so..
wait for next update xD
Author's Response
hav a nice day xD
- 5/5,
hey im having problems with zip download the prob is idk how to download it halp pls ;c
Author's Response
oh, Problem with zip download?
What is problem?
you mean download link hav some problem? or
file has problem?
please talk to me in detail :D
- 5/5,
Awesome mod, simply love it! :D
I just have one problem, i've searched about it but haven't found anything: How to use the vehicles? The character only eats them, and nothing else happens... What am i missing/Doing wrong?-
Author's Response
hi sabre :3
well, you didn't doing wrong.
if you eat that.. tech, just check your tech screen in your ship.
and equip your new tech, and choose your tech at your inventory,
use your tech by push 'F' button!
hav a good trip xD
Author's Response
try mission in mission station.:D
- 5/5,
Awesome work dude 10/10. also can/do you have a guide for this mod ??? if not you might wanna make oen it would be tremendously useful :D
Author's Response
Really good idea xD
I'll check about that!
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