just checked the season 2 update. great work! really love the cartridges. looking forward to more original stuff (:
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[FFS]Feast of Fire and Smoke 2.0hotfix6
Last generation of gunshop/gunners mod
- 5/5,
Author's Response
Thank you :)
Rex Blackbeak
- 5/5,
Mod Doesn't Work But Can I Ask Whats Inside The Zip Cus When I Put The LyetziGunShopSeason2 Folder It Doesnt work but can you tell me Whats inside the Zip File besides from the lyetzigunshopseason2 Folder... It Looks Cool(Those Screenshots Though):)
Author's Response
You need to organize gunshop mod files like this.
starbound / giraffe_storage / mods / LyetzisGunshopModSeason2_alpha / ai
starbound / giraffe_storage / mods / LyetzisGunshopModSeason2_alpha /dungeons
starbound / giraffe_storage / mods / LyetzisGunshopModSeason2_alpha /interface
starbound / giraffe_storage / mods / LyetzisGunshopModSeason2_alpha /season2
starbound / giraffe_storage / mods / LyetzisGunshopModSeason2_alpha /dungeon_words.config.patch...
if that can't solve that problem, just tell me in detail.
thank you for feedback. :D
- 3/5,
Still, even on flat surface i can't place it. Also quests don't have any image like it was in season 1. [version spirited giraffe] Everything works except quests.
Author's Response
other user has no problem like that.
show me screenshot or something detail.
- 5/5,
Seem like you fix gun's length and make them look fit with character (not too big and kinky), sound of gun need to improve more, practical is nice loving those empty bullet, also need to fix about those shield as they DO NOT regen health back (unless you die or somehow). Also something wrong between this mod and Creative mod, may fix?
Over all, this is amazing mod, can't wait to see more in future.
10/10 "Wonderful mod that MUST have" -IGN-
Author's Response
Thanks for your words :D
I think you mean Tactical shield.
Tactical shield : Extremely high armor / Non regeneration.
Assault shield : Very Low Armor / Very high Regeneration.
and I'll add creative mod in compatible issue list.
Thank you
- 2/5,
Why i don't have LT.Jein and i can't place quests on the ground (version spirited giraffe)
Author's Response
Lt.jein can found in Queen's nest.
( if you collect queen's head, you can find her.)
and mission object can set on planet surface that should be flat.
- 5/5,
Just awesome mod but i don't have the mission for the Queen's Head. Do you know why ? Thanks :)
Author's Response
Queen's head can find from queen's nest.
you need to check your ship A.I (S.A.I.L)'s mission tab.
Queen's Nest : Queen's Head
Twin's Nest : Twins Head
The Palace : Emperor's Head
- 5/5,
So Much Awesome. So much Gun. SO much respect earned. Cant wait for the combat update as you'll be the only ballistic weapons dealer around. A few thoughts, will you be applying elemental effect to the guns? The weapons damage will be split between it and your armor, any thoughts on new balancing issues? And can I have a few more M.G.s to play with? pwease fowr da childwen. Any ways whatever the outcome I love the work you've done for us.
Author's Response
Thank you for your words. :D
1. Add more M.G
2. New balance with status effect
Ok, I'll check about that XD
Author's Response
Thanks :)
- 5/5,
cool mod , but why in version 2 hotfix1 silent vehicles ?
Author's Response
Thanks :)
silent vehicles?
vehicles will update in Season 2 Beta.
Not Alpha XD
- 5/5,
Awesome Guns and story. One of my favorite mods by far! I would love if you added mechs tho. Hopefully in the next update!
Author's Response
Thanks :)
You can see many vehicles in next update.
- 5/5,
It was so epic that i died (yeah i'm writing from heaven). And why you've deleted officer uniform?
Author's Response
Officer suit will be updated in beta version with renewal.
Hav a nice day XD
- 5/5,
im stuck where can I find the queen's head? and Lt. Jein
Author's Response
Go to S.A.I.L in your ship ( A.I )
and check in the mission tab
mission has 3 phase
Queen's nest
Twin's nest
Emperor's Palace
Author's Response
setup Lt.jein in your ship :D
and use 'E'key to jein.
- 5/5,
I just adore a hell-of-pile-lot-of-cool-weapons. Keep that good work.
Author's Response
Thank you XD
Author's Response
- 5/5,
Now i can continue the Warfare on my Server.
Thanks alot for updating.-
Author's Response
have a good time with guns xD
Author's Response
Thank you so much T_T
you can meet this mod at monday in this week.
- 5/5,
even tho I cant download it because it crashes I still love the consept and the things it adds :3
Author's Response
sorry for late T_T
but, you can play gunshop only 1day or 2days later!
please wait!
hav a nice day poisonart. xD
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