One of the best, if not the best mod for real weapons. The sounds, effects and animations are all at a high level.
To the author have a request to add Shpagin submachine gun and machine gun Degtyarev (DP-27).
In general, 5/5 excellent mod.
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[FFS]Feast of Fire and Smoke 2.0hotfix6
Last generation of gunshop/gunners mod
- 5/5,
- 5/5,
I liked it! Needs some polishing though.
It would also be cool if the amount of enemy spam ant insta kill attacks could be reduced. -
- 5/5,
I love it but please make a new updater and add like when you save someone they join your ship and they dont count as your crew but they live on your ship guard it and give you buffs and please make more of those zombies. and the music I love it soooo much the music in the cave its perfect and the music with Anna
- 4/5,
theres an error, when you en the last episode (2) you give 1.000 dolars x1000, but the npc Papachino does not acept that money
- 2/5,
Like your mod since Lyetzis gunner mod. The problem with this one is when I play the mission and tried to teleport using the radio on my ship, it just teleports me back to my ship. Here is the error that I found in the log.
[16:57:55.129] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to InstanceWorld:ffs0_0:dd8eb654eabd0b26dd30ac8a6a5bb3df:1
[16:57:55.129] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 failed, invalid world 'InstanceWorld:ffs0_0:dd8eb654eabd0b26dd30ac8a6a5bb3df:1' or world failed to load
[16:57:59.032] [Info] UniverseServer: Clearing broken world InstanceWorld:ffs0_0:dd8eb654eabd0b26dd30ac8a6a5bb3df:1
[16:58:24.853] [Error] UniverseServer: error during world create: (DungeonException) Error loading dungeon '/dungeons/missions/ffs0/ffs0_0.dungeon': (JsonException) contains() called on improper json type
I need help with this, please. I'm eager to play this mod. -
- 5/5,
Please help me! I can't go through a puzzle in episode 2. There's buttons and a ladder with hatches. I can't say no to order.
roru 93
- 5/5,
just super mod but here's the problem with the final boss of the second episode. When I got into his attack I got out of it but then it killed but I was not even in the attack zone, as if something was happening and this attack attacked the entire area of the arena
Pecel Lele Sedap
- 5/5,
I like this mod since me use Lyetzi's gunshop, always 5 stars ovo
- 5/5,
Nice Mod And please make more episodes.By the way the gun animation is cool.Important Note: Add more guns
- 5/5,
The weapons like rpg7, m249 and ak74 reloads automatically when I select them
- 4/5,
Would be 5 stars but I'm completely unable to find the secret dungeon after multiple runs and reading every codex multiple times. I will never be able to complete Dr. Breadnuts missions.
Author's Response
Oh my god.. I can't spoiler here.
If you want to know about it, please contact me.
- 5/5,
Oh man, This is good. Now I just need to hope that there would be more weapon, and from Ep 1 to Ep 100 where you actually started from the bottom of escaping to having an HQ and eventually expanding.
- 5/5,
Good mods as ever! but can you please make shotguns aim faster in the next update? i just want shotguns to be combat ready in case of breach and clear situation.
Author's Response
You can modify your weapons after next episode is updated.
- 5/5,
Great mod, the only issue i have is i cant kill the second boss (The red mantis-looking thing) nothing hit him (Bullet, explosives or melee). Its a bug or i'm missing something? lol
Author's Response
You can attack him while he is growling.
Author's Response
It must be compatible problems or something like that.
There is nothing i can do for you until showing me your logs.
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