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FezzedTech v1.3.1.3

Support mod for custom items with some roleplay features

  1. v1.3.1 update

    v1.3.1: Changelog for this update:

    • [CHANGE] The player now rotates when "ghostTail" is active. In addition, instead of completely suppressing rotation where relevant, being too close to collision now constrains rotation such that the player only tilts slightly.
    • [CHANGE] "ghostTail" now uses "checkDist" for its maximum hover distance above the ground (defaulting to 3 tiles if 0) and has a minimum hover distance above the ground. This is 2.0 or the value of the "ghostTail" stat, whichever is greater.
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed tech script crashes that happened whenever the player had a scale factor that wasn't 1× for any reason.
    • [BUGFIX] Fixed a status script crash that happened whenever "ghostTail" was active.
    • [BUGFIX] FezzedTech's binds no longer apply to all loaded players at once on xClient. This, for instance, caused all loaded players to sit when the Toggle sitting key was tapped, instead of just the primary player. Whoops!
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