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FezzedTech v1.3.1.5

Support mod for custom items with some roleplay features

  1. v1.1.2 update

    v1.1.2: Changelog for this update:
    • Made some under-the-hood changes to allow other mods to query whether FezzedTech is loaded and, if desired, to disable it. To check whether FezzedTech is loaded and running, check for math.__fezzedTechLoaded. To disable (most of) FezzedTech, set the "ignoreFezzedTech" status property to true (or anything "truthy"); this also causes math.__fezzedTechLoaded to be false. Dice commands, empty techs and non-armour items will still work when the rest of FezzedTech is disabled (the dice commands still require StarExtensions, of course).
    • Slightly adjusted error messages for missing parameters in dice roll commands.
    • Some other under-the-hood work and cleanups, including the ability for the bodyDirectives handler to work on some other DLLs and similar modifications...
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