Really fun mod!!!
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Felins 3.9.1
Catgirls in Space!
- 4/5,
Almost purrrrfect! The cat girl is adorable and I love all the new furniture and clothes. The Felin villages are well done, especially like the smoke stacks, nice touch! Although, the lack of armor sets for each tier is a bit of a let down and I would have loved to see a more cat-themed ship. Overall, really nice job and thanks for bringing cats into space! MEOW!
- 5/5,
A great mod worth noticing, very complete in regards of characters and in game items/descriptions, its has a great potential and room for adding more content, but as it is now its really anjoyable!
- 5/5,
Added Cosplay Cat Ears and Cosplay Cat Tail items for non-Felin players.
*___* cool!!! -
- 5/5,
note its a mod if a kid gets ahold of it its on them lol I love the mod and the tv set up if fine love it needed more moving stuff in my house the off tv thing is boring to no end so thank you lol
Apple Juice
- 5/5,
Things are getting weird in my ship now. I have a literal party of holograms!
- 4/5,
This being a kids' game, I think this mod could do without the, uh..."questionable" TV and pinups - maybe change the TV screen to a ball of yarn rolling around on a carpet or something (no idea what you could do with the pinups). That or you could note that it's got some potentially unfriendly content to it. (Although, rifling through the game files, I was amused by the Apex and Glitch commentary on various objects - the sheer disappointment on the part of the former and the shock, embarrassment, and bewilderment on the part of the latter is a much-appreciated source of humor.)
Other than that, of course, the mod is fine; works without any conflicts to it (barring the fact that I downloaded some of your other clothing mods and set up crafting recipes for them already, meaning I had to change a few other files in *this* mod to get it working, which shouldn't be an issue for most folks), didn't feel too unbalanced, and the race itself has some charm. One more recommendation: you might consider reducing the number of red stimpacks you can find in Felin villages; there was an overabundance of them in the town I found, so I wound up with at least 42 of what I'm relatively sure are the game's best health regen items. (There may or may not also be an issue with object overabundance where cheeseburger blueprints and Felin codices are concerned; I wound up with five of the former and six or seven of the same "How to Be a Felin" codex.) -
- 5/5,
I can see you really put some work into these guys! I can't wait for the villages.
Author's Response
But the villages are already there.
Author's Response
- 5/5,
I loved the idea to begin with, the Ranma 1/2 Tatewaki Kuno reference is what clinched it as a five star rating. Looking forward to seeing where this mod goes.
Author's Response
Of all the reasons... Well, guess I'll add a new hair choice then :)
- 5/5,
An amazingly well developed race mod. A must have, right next to Avali!
Author's Response
Woah, high praise.
- 5/5,
This is awesome XD i found a settlement on my starting planet with a ..Kitty who wants fifty Pixel to go all the way ¬//w//¬ bow-chika-bow-wow XD
Author's Response
It'd be very, VERY helpful if you could bother to say -why- it doesn't work.
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