I'm uploading this mostly just as an easy way to share this with my friends but if anyone finds this fun or helpful that works too.
The mod currently adds a weapon called the B.F.G. It fires an explosive blast dealing nearly 8k a hit and exploding the tiles around it on contact. I've also added a new fuel source called "Uridium Core" which adds a full bar of fuel to your ships reserves.
To craft the B.F.G you need;
Impervium Bars x100
Uridium Core x1
Diamonds x20
Pixels x50,000
Forgive the poor quality video, I recorded it on my laptop. Skip to about 04 to see the B.F.G firing.
Additionally the fuel costs of all the rods have been doubled from their original values.
Edit: I also just wanted to mention that I used Nimnon's Dragon Fury gun as a template to learn how to make guns. It's a fun gun too. http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/the-dragons-fury.239/
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Ed's Mod 1.1
Adds a B.F.G Gun and doubles the fuel amount of all radioactive rods.