Remake of Pohany’s spaceship.
What’s new:
Legally, all furniture can be crafted through the Wooden Workbench and Engineer's Table after completing the quest "The Erchius Mining Facility" and fixing the ship, because the recipe for all objects includes materials that can only be obtained on other planets.
- Objects;
- Spaceship pet;
- Dialogue AI after awakening in orbit of a starter planet;
- Reduced version of the ship in the cutscenes of the prologue;
- The ship on the Protectorate takeoff and landing platform, which does not replace the vanilla.
It is recommended to install furniture in the order shown in the screenshot below, because otherwise, in some cases, it can stand on top of each other!
Language: English.
Installation: Transfer the "DSLSpaceship.pak" from the archive to the "mods" folder in the game directory.
Modification only for vanilla races! With the improvement of the ship, new compartments do not appear, but only functional is added and the number of crew members increases! In the optional version of the mod, all races have a ship on the takeoff and landing platform and in the cutscene!
- Pohany – for the original ship and permission to post remake;
- CCP Games – for the game EVE Online and objects for the captain's quarter;
- Stonemason – for models of Sci-Fi Bedroom;
- Sofian Moumene – for models of Sci-Fi Command Panel.
Optional files:
Steam Download Link: X
- Archive with .pak-files of the ship for each race separately: X
Original mod page: X
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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DSL Spaceship 3.0
Remake of Pohany's spaceship