[CLOSED] New version can be found HERE
So many stars, so many planets, and every of them has something interesting you wanna take home.
But how to find what you need amongst dozens of chests and crates when your memory goes crazy?
This mod will help you to orient in your own storage, providing small description signs for any kind of stuff.
Differ seeds from crops and mark where weapons or armors are with this set of 16 beautiful plates:
All plates are 1*3 blocks, currently you can create 2 types:
wooden for 3 wooden blocks and 1 coal (crafting table)
stone for 3 stone blocks and 1 iron ore (anvil)
or just print them via 3D for 200 pixels each.
How to install:
unzip archive in your .../Starbound/mods directory so paths will be like this:
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Description signs 1.0
You can tag your containers with nameplates to show what's inside