Craft some smashable jars and whatnot at a new crafting station - the Pottery Table. The Pottery Table is made at the Inventor's Table of any tier.
Note: This mod does NOT add any new items into the game beyond the crafting station. It otherwise simply allows a variety of smashable pottery/etc to be created without admin mode, which can be found in the base game.
Yes, these things you can make will still be smashed into pixels if you hit them. Handle with care!
And no, there are NOT any smashable objects like minibiome decorations or plants - this mod is purely for decorative man-made objects which cannot be crafted otherwise. Mostly pots and jars, with a handful of exceptions.
Most items require clay to make, which is found as a tile on many planet types, but a few others might require plant fibre(like the wicker baskets), glass(bottles), or in one case, crystals. The recipes are intended to mostly make sense without being a huge pain to make.
If I missed any items that you think would be in the spirit of the mod to be craftable, let me know.
This is also on Steam.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Craftable Smashables 1.0a
Craft some of those highly fragile objects you can find!
Recent Updates
- Forgot some jars. Aug 17, 2016