Being a Rigger and Lighting Director in real life i loved the idea of building your own venue.[/media][/CENTER]
But the Vanilla items left something to be desired..
So that is why started i a line of concert equipment..
**In the update**
Interface revamp
DMX Timers
Lights more focused
lights are connectable and can be turned off
NEW DEMO VIDEO!! look below
4 Roadcase Chests Tiny 5/Small 10/Medium 15/Large 20
All but the tiny are stackable for a real venue feel
Marshal Amp Heads
Marshal 1/2 Stack
Marshal Speaker Stack
***Now Crafting table Looks Like This ******
***A BIG THANKS TO metadept for general help!!***
***A BIG THANKS TO Michan777777 for the broken link catch!!***
***Look for Parcans/Blinders/Lekos in***
***You can craftin C menu**
As always Questions comments suggestions even criticisms are all welcome
As always any Question Comments Suggestions or even Criticisms are all welcome!!
PLEASE Bug report in the DISCUSSION area NOT IN REVIEW!!!
Remember to review if you like the mod!!
It helps me to know im taking this mod in the right direction
Thanks Again Everyone!!!
Have Fun!!
I'm sure more that i see at work later lol
Had to make a new video!!
***Now lights hang from top and bottom!!!***
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Concert Equipment - Roadcase Crafting Table - 30 Colored Lights/Truss to hang them on 2.8
Concert Equipment - Roadcase Crafting Table - 30 Colored Lights/Truss to hang them on
Recent Updates
- wub wub wub Jul 18, 2017
- Major Overhaul Jul 10, 2017
- Guess it was deleted Jul 5, 2017