Updated this compilation for nightly and added a few of my own custom hairstyles for humans. This mod contains hairstyles for all races. Adding all of the hairstyles to the json system took some time but here it is.
Mod includes hairstyles from:
Annuschka - AnTiHair (up to v1.9)
Annuschka - Undy Color as Hair Detail for Humans (up to v1.1)
IcyOrio - Beauty Blooms (up to v1.2)
Lissar - Lissar's Hair Mods! (up to v1.5)
Madosuki - Mado's Clothes and Stuff (up to v1.7.3, wigs remade into hairstyles with customizable palettes)
Mio - Chuu2 Rikka (up to Furious Koala v1.0, wigs remade into hairstyles with customizable palettes)
Mio - Majikoi Miyako Mod (up to Furious Koala v1.0, wigs remade into hairstyles with customizable palettes)
Mio - Madoka Magica (up to Furious Koala v1.0, wigs remade into hairstyles with customizable palettes)
ODABUTSU - Ningen Race Mod (up to v1.4, doesn't include hairstyles with animal parts or hats, though they're still present in the files for those who would like to add them into the humans' .species file)
patchwork536 - PatchworkHaircut (up to v1.3)
Team Aardvark - Team Aardvark's modified vanilla hairstyles (up to v1.0)
If anyone wants me to add their hair mod to this just send me a pm.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Community Hairstyles Pack 1.5
Upbeat Giraffe version of Shadow Wolf TJC's hairstyle compilation.