Combinable Augments
Combinable augments allows you to combine all of your augments, collars and fishing lures into a single piece of mastery.
1 Augment to rule them all, this is the goal of this mod.
What can you do?
- Combine epp augments together
- Combine epps together to merge epps or upgrate to a new level of epp (the output epp type corresponds to the epp on the right)
- Combine epps with augments to give them more augments
- Combine collar augments together
- Combine filled capture pod with collars to give them more collars
- Extract augments or collars out of epps, filled capture pods, combined augments or combined collars
- Extract specific augments or collars out of epps, filled capture pods, combined augments or combined collars
- Extract all augments or collars out of epps, filled capture pods, combined augments or combined collars
- Manage augments from armors when using mods that add augment slots to armors
- Create combined lures at the survival/farming crafting table
How to get started
You'll have to craft an augment combiner.
You'll need a fully upgraded inventor table (architect table)
To craft it you'll need:
- 10 durasteel bars
- 5 silver bars
- 2 silicone board
- 10 wire
- 1 battery
Can i combine/extract from augment comaptible armors from mod X
is this compatible with augments from X mod?
the short answer is yes,
When it comes to combining non-vanilla augments:
There should never be any issue.
When it comes to extracting non-vanilla augments from combined augments:
There should never be any issue.
When it comes to extracting non-vanilla augments which were applied using a right-click:
When a player applies an augment, collar, reel or lure to an item using a right-click, the game does not save any identifying reference to the applied item. It does save some information, but the information saved cannot be used to guarantee an identification. Our solution to this problem is simple: using some of the information saved to by the game, we make a guess on which augment it's most likely to be. To accomplish this, we have combed though vanilla and modded assets to find as many augments to create an index which contains information which is unique to most augments. If we cannot establish a match though our index, we create a "vanilla compatible item". For all intent and purposes the created augment will be identical to the original item. The only issue which may arise from these vanilla compatible items occurs when you uninstall the mod which added the original augment. Since the image asset and status effect provided for the item no longer exist, this may cause them to turn into Perfectly Generic Item. This is an edge case which is unlikely to occur, but we prefer warning users of this potential issue.
Is this mod configurable?
Using a separate mod one may apply non-standard configurations to combinable augments. Right now one may apply a limit on the maximum number of augments in a single combined augment and apply modifications to the recuperation index.
Combinable Augments provides a settings file. This file goes over how they are used.
**Please note that server settings take priority over client settings.**
table limits
This table two numeric properties, `augment` and `collar`.
As the name implies, these properties limit the number of augments that can be
installed on a piece of equipment. If the value of a property is set to 0, no
limit will be applied, allowing for infinite combining.
Default value:
Code:"limits" : { "augment" : 0, "collar" : 0 }
table recuperationConfig
When a player applies an augment to a piece of equipment, the item id of the
augment isn't saved. This table is used to properly identify and extract
augments that have been applied using the vanilla technique. Since all augments
store a `name` and a `displayName` value, we have settled on using these values
to properly identify augments. If the combiner encounters an unrecognized
augment it will create a vanilla compatible version that has the same effects
as the unrecognized augment.
Default Value:
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________Code:"recuperationConfig" : { "augment" : { "damage1|Damage I" : "damageaugment1", "damage2|Damage II" : "damageaugment2", "name|displayName" : "itemId", "...|..." : "..." } "collar" : { "bouncycollar|Bouncy" : "bouncycollar", "damage1|Damage I" : "damagecollar1", "name|displayName" : "itemId", "...|..." : "..." } }
Modifying the default settings
To modify the settings from combinable augments, you will need to create a mod
which applies a patch to said settings. This section will guide you though
create the mod and explain what each setting does.
We recommend using a raw text editor like notepad++ or gedit to endit files in
the steps described below.
Creating the basic mod
1. Create a folder in your mods folder. Name it what ever you feel like.
2. Create a file with the following name: `_metadata`.
3. Open the `_metadata` in a text editor.
4. Enter this code, replacing `[YourNameHere]` with your name, then save the file.
5. In the folder you created in step 1, create a file with the following name:Code:{ "author" : "[YourNameHere]", "description" : "Sets a limit on augment combinations", "friendlyName" : "[YourNameHere]'s CA limiter", "includes" : ["Combinable Augments"], "name" : "[YourNameHere]'s CA limiter" }
6. Open the `combinableaugments.config.patch` file in a text editor.
7. Enter the following code and then save the file:
8. Insert any patches described below between the two curly braces.Code:{ //insert patches here }
9. Save the file.
10. Launch the game to verify you didn't make any errors.
Setting the combination limits
To set the combination limit for augments and/or collars copy the following patches
to your patch file, replacing the values with your desired settings.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________Code:[ { "op" : "replace", "path" : "/limits/augment", "value" : 1 }, { "op" : "replace", "path" : "/limits/collar", "value": 1 } ]
Adding augments to the recuperation config
To add augments to the recuperation table, past the following code, making sure
to replace `[name]`, `[displayName]` and `[itemId]` with your own values:
For epp augments:
For collars:Code:[ { "op": "test", "path": "/recuperationConfig/augment/[name]|[displayName]", "inverse" : true }, { "op": "add", "path": "/recuperationConfig/augment/[name]|[displayName]", "value": "[itemId]" } ]
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________Code:[ { "op": "test", "path": "/recuperationConfig/collar/[name]|[displayName]", "inverse" : true }, { "op": "add", "path": "/recuperationConfig/collar/[name]|[displayName]", "value": "[itemId]" } ]
Example of a full patch file
Code:[ { "op" : "replace", "path" : "/limits/augment", "value" : 3 }, { "op" : "replace", "path" : "/limits/collar", "value": 2 }, [ { "op": "test", "path": "/recuperationConfig/augment/[name]|[displayName]", "inverse" : true }, { "op": "add", "path": "/recuperationConfig/augment/[name]|[displayName]", "value": "[itemId]" } ], [ { "op": "test", "path": "/recuperationConfig/collar/[name]|[displayName]", "inverse" : true }, { "op": "add", "path": "/recuperationConfig/collar/[name]|[displayName]", "value": "[itemId]" } ] ]
ps: this does not make you augments stronger of you combine 2 smaller ones, we still want some balance in here
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Do not alter or redistribute the assets included in this mod.
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Combinable Augments 2.1.3
1 augment to rule them all!
Recent Updates
- Version 2.1.3 Oct 27, 2024
- 2.1.2 Feb 17, 2022
- Collar Holder Support Added Nov 27, 2021