[If the game crushes after using fig-o-matic - the reason must be in outdated interface reference in its config. Adding this file should help. This bug will be fixed in new versions.]
That's it.
I know here are people who likes anime and particularly Touhou, as well as ones who just like collecting things.
No matter what, this mod gonna brighten up your interior and game experience.
It includes crafting station for making different types of plastic, glue, accessories, 16 special dyes and, of course, parts for figurines.
Besides basic materials each PVC figure requests its own ingredients and colors which are usually tough to get.
But if you're not afraid to explore - you're welcome to try.
There are currently 270 unique figurines based on real toys and figures and I plan to add new content regularly. Already started:
Spritesheet (spoilers)
- Amnesia
- Avatar: Legend of Aang
- Avatar: Legend of Korra
- Castlevania
- Cowboy Bebop
- DC universe
- Diablo II
- Doctor Who
- Everlasting Summer
- Fallout
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Gundam
- Gurren Lagann
- Halo
- Half-Life 2
- Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni
- Kill la Kill
- Lucky Star
- Marvel universe
- Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
- Miss Monochrome
- My Little Pony
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Okami
- Portal 2
- Ragnarok Online
- Renkin San-kyuu Magical Pokaan
- Team Fortress 2
- Touhou Project
Besides - vending machine, playable chessboards, various pedestals, colorful posters, cool hats and even some consumables.
Nearest tasks - finish Touhou series, implement figurines from popular games, movies and anime; add some quests.
Some recipes contain items I have never found personally, but I want figures' crafting to be of relatively same difficulty, so I'd appreciate any notes and statistics about that.
Unpacked 2.5 version: download
Unpacked 2.6 version: download
How to install:
[ ! ] There may be conflicts if modpak and archive versions of this mod are both installed.
[ ! ] If updating - delete old directory before placing the new one. Don't run the game until all files are installed.
For archives - unzip archive to mods directory so path would be like this:
[–] Starbound
.....[–] giraffe_storage
..........[–] mods
...............[–] colfigures
....................[+] codex
....................[+] interface
....................[+] items
....................[+] objects
....................[+] recipes
....................[+] sfx
................... pak.modinfo
................... player.config
For .modpak file:
[–] Starbound
.....[–] giraffe_storage
..........[–] mods
...............[–] colfigures_vX.X.modpak
How to start:
Make garage kit via crafting table. PVC crafting requires furnace.
Make fig-o-matic via robotic table to get access to rare materials. Uses jettons from compressor.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
Welcome to the official Starbound Mod repository, Guest! Not sure how to install your mods? Check out the installation guide or check out the modding help thread for more guides.Dismiss Notice
Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Collectable figurines 2.6
Craft 'em all!
Recent Updates
- Lazy update Jun 25, 2015
- Robots FTW Apr 28, 2015
- Something broke again Feb 12, 2015