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Outdated Coal Items 1.0

More will be added such as more melee/guns.

  1. DizzieRobot
    Hello this is my coal items mod so far their are only three things, a full set of armour,a pick,and a sword these are beginning game items but the coal armour is great for cold planets :D

    Install guide: go to link and download the file then go to your starbound asests folder and drop it in then go to your player.config and copy and past all of this
    "defaultHumanoidIdentity" : {
    "gender" : "Male",
    "hairType" : "male2",
    "color" : [51, 117, 237, 255]

    "species" : [ "human", "glitch", "hylotl", "apex", "avian", "floran" ],

    "humanoidTiming" : {
    // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay
    "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
    "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1],

    // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink Eat Sleep
    // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :wut: , :D , , :eek:, :O , , ;)
    "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1.0],
    "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2]

    "defaultItems" : [],

    "tierBlueprintsUnlockedMessage" : "New blueprints have been unlocked.",
    "blueprintOnPickupMessage" : "New blueprint available.",
    "defaultBlueprints" : {
    "tier1" : [
    { "item" : "coalpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "coalhammer" },
    { "item" : "coalbroadsword" },
    { "item" : "coalhead" },
    { "item" : "coalchest" },
    { "item" : "coalpants" },
    { "item" : "mininglantern" },
    { "item" : "copperarmorhead" },
    { "item" : "copperarmorchest" },
    { "item" : "copperarmorpants" },
    { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial" },
    { "item" : "yarnspinner" },
    { "item" : "campfire" },
    { "item" : "platform" },
    { "item" : "torch" },
    { "item" : "woodencraftingtable1" },
    { "item" : "fence" },
    { "item" : "stoneaxe" },
    { "item" : "stonehoe" },
    { "item" : "stonepickaxe" },
    { "item" : "woodenbed" },
    { "item" : "woodenchair" },
    { "item" : "woodencrate1" },
    { "item" : "woodencrate2" },
    { "item" : "woodendoor" },
    { "item" : "woodengate" },
    { "item" : "woodsupport" },
    { "item" : "woodtable" },
    { "item" : "woodenstonefurnacetable" },
    { "item" : "tier1chair" },
    { "item" : "tier1door" },
    { "item" : "tier1light" },
    { "item" : "tier1switch" },
    { "item" : "tier1bed" },
    { "item" : "ironanvil" },
    { "item" : "ironblock" },
    { "item" : "cobblestonebrick" },
    { "item" : "ironbeacon" },
    { "item" : "copperpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "silverpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "goldpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "platinumpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "diamondpickaxe" },
    { "item" : "stonefurnace" },
    { "item" : "glassmaterial" },
    { "item" : "woodenwindow1" },
    { "item" : "woodenwindow2" },
    { "item" : "woodencookingtable" },
    { "item" : "fabric" },
    { "item" : "packeddirt" },
    { "item" : "metalworkstation" },
    { "item" : "reddye" },
    { "item" : "bluedye" },
    { "item" : "yellowdye" },
    { "item" : "tier2engine" },
    { "item" : "bow" },
    { "item" : "ironbow" },
    { "item" : "bandage" },
    { "item" : "snowinfantryhead" },
    { "item" : "snowinfantrychest" },
    { "item" : "snowinfantrypants" },
    { "item" : "huntingknife" },
    { "item" : "climbingrope" },
    { "item" : "generatedshield", "count" : 1, "data" : { "definition" : "startershield", "level" : 1 } }
    "tier2" : [
    { "item" : "silverarmorhead" },
    { "item" : "silverarmorchest" },
    { "item" : "silverarmorpants" },
    { "item" : "steelbar" },
    { "item" : "mediummetal" },
    { "item" : "chain" },
    { "item" : "roboticcraftingtable" },
    { "item" : "refinery" },
    { "item" : "steelbow" },
    { "item" : "tier2chair" },
    { "item" : "tier2door" },
    { "item" : "tier2light" },
    { "item" : "tier2switch" },
    { "item" : "tier2bed" },
    { "item" : "brainextractor" },
    { "item" : "artificialbrain" },
    { "item" : "robothead" },
    { "item" : "robotchest" },
    { "item" : "robotlegs" },
    { "item" : "robotarms" },
    { "item" : "tier3engine" },
    { "item" : "spawnerguard" },
    { "item" : "robot" },
    { "item" : "voxel1k" },
    { "item" : "voxel2k" },
    { "item" : "voxel5k" },
    { "item" : "voxel10k" },
    { "item" : "pixelcompressor" },
    { "item" : "lanternstickback" },
    { "item" : "portable3dprinter" }
    "tier3" : [
    { "item" : "goldarmorhead" },
    { "item" : "goldarmorchest" },
    { "item" : "goldarmorpants" },
    { "item" : "composite01material" },
    { "item" : "painttool" },
    { "item" : "wiretool" },
    { "item" : "tier3chair" },
    { "item" : "tier3door" },
    { "item" : "tier3light" },
    { "item" : "tier3switch" },
    { "item" : "tier3bed" },
    { "item" : "decoyprincess" },
    { "item" : "tier4engine" }
    "tier4" : [
    { "item" : "bonusarmorhead" },
    { "item" : "bonusarmorchest" },
    { "item" : "bonusarmorpants" },
    { "item" : "durasteelbar" },
    { "item" : "tier4chair" },
    { "item" : "tier4door" },
    { "item" : "tier4light" },
    { "item" : "tier4switch" },
    { "item" : "tier4bed" },
    { "item" : "techupgrade32" },
    { "item" : "capturepod" },
    { "item" : "capturestation" },
    { "item" : "copperdrill" },
    { "item" : "silverdrill" },
    { "item" : "golddrill" },
    { "item" : "platinumdrill" },
    { "item" : "diamonddrill" },
    { "item" : "grapplinghook" },
    { "item" : "peanutbutter" }
    "level32" : [
    { "item" : "platinumarmorhead" },
    { "item" : "platinumarmorchest" },
    { "item" : "platinumarmorpants" },
    { "item" : "tier5chair" },
    { "item" : "tier5door" },
    { "item" : "tier5light" },
    { "item" : "tier5switch" },
    { "item" : "tier5bed" },
    { "item" : "techupgrade33" }
    "level33" : [
    { "item" : "Feroziumbar" },
    { "item" : "tier6chair" },
    { "item" : "tier6door" },
    { "item" : "tier6light" },
    { "item" : "tier6switch" },
    { "item" : "tier6bed" },
    { "item" : "techupgrade34" }
    "level34" : [
    { "item" : "tier7chair" },
    { "item" : "tier7door" },
    { "item" : "tier7light" },
    { "item" : "tier7switch" },
    { "item" : "tier7bed" },
    { "item" : "techupgrade35" }
    "level35" : [
    { "item" : "Violiumbar" },
    { "item" : "tier8chair" },
    { "item" : "tier8door" },
    { "item" : "tier8light" },
    { "item" : "tier8switch" },
    { "item" : "tier8bed" },
    { "item" : "techupgrade36" }
    "level36" : [
    { "item" : "tier9chair" },
    { "item" : "tier9door" },
    { "item" : "tier9light" },
    { "item" : "tier9switch" },
    { "item" : "tier9bed" },
    { "item" : "techupgrade37" }
    "level37" : [
    { "item" : "imperviumbar" },
    { "item" : "tier10chair" },
    { "item" : "tier10door" },
    { "item" : "tier10light" },
    { "item" : "tier10switch" },
    { "item" : "tier10bed" }
    "portable3dprinter" : [
    { "item" : "futurelight" },
    { "item" : "modernplatform" },
    { "item" : "modernchair" },
    { "item" : "moderntable" },
    { "item" : "slidingdoor" },
    { "item" : "techhull1" },
    { "item" : "metallicmaterial" },
    { "item" : "apexshipwall" },
    { "item" : "lightmetal" },
    { "item" : "mediummetal" },
    { "item" : "platematerial" },
    { "item" : "redtoyblock" },
    { "item" : "smoothmetal" },
    { "item" : "nanowrap" },
    { "item" : "nanostove" }

    "visibleRect" : [-1.0, -2.5, 1.0, 1.75],

    "techControllerSettings" : {
    "baseMovementParameters" : {
    "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ],
    "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -1], [0.35, -0.5], [-0.35, -0.5], [-0.75, -1] ],
    "airFriction" : 0.2,
    "mass" : 0.6,

    // should keep the player from teleporting through walls
    "maximumCorrection" : 1,
    "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4

    "maxHealth" : 100.0,
    "maxEnergy" : 100.0,
    "maxFood" : 100.0,
    "maxBreath" : 100.0,

    "energyReplenishmentRate" : 10.0,
    "foodDepletionRate" : 0.0425,

    "breathReplenishmentRate" : 20,
    "breathDepletionRate" : 2,

    "lightStrength" : 1.0,

    "footstepTiming" : 0.35,
    "footstepSensor" : [0, -3.1],

    "fallDamageFactor" : 0.8,
    "minimumFallTime" : 1.0,
    "maxFallTimeFactor" : 1.5,
    "minimumFallSpeed" : -2.0,

    "vaporTrailTime" : 10,
    "terminalVelocityDifference" : 1.01,
    "bottomOfWorldTouchMargin" : 4,

    "interactRadius" : 5.5,
    "walkIntoInteractBias" : [1, 0],

    "initialBeamGunRadius" : 15.5,
    "previewGlowBorder" : 2,
    "objectPreviewInnerAlpha" : 0.8,
    "objectPreviewOuterAlpha" : 0.2,

    "beamGunSettings" : {
    "image" : "/humanoid/any/gravgun1.png",
    "endImages" : [ "/humanoid/any/ball.png", "/humanoid/any/tileglow.png", "/humanoid/any/4tileglow.png" ],
    "handPosition" : [-2, 0],
    "firePosition" : [5, 0],
    "segmentsPerUnit" : 1,
    "nearControlPointElasticity" : 0.1,
    "farControlPointElasticity" : 0.9,
    "nearControlPointDistance" : 0.9,
    "targetSegmentRun" : 1,
    "innerBrightnessScale" : 20,
    "firstStripeThickness" : 0.2,
    "secondStripeThickness" : 0.05,
    "minBeamWidth" : 1,
    "maxBeamWidth" : 5,
    "maxBeamJitter" : 0.06,
    "minBeamJitter" : 0.0,
    "minBeamTrans" : 0.1,
    "maxBeamTrans" : 0.4,
    "minBeamLines" : 1,
    "maxBeamLines" : 5

    "underwaterSensor" : [0.0, 0.5],
    "underwaterMinWaterLevel" : 0.4,

    "splashConfig" : {
    "splashSpeedMin" : 10.0,
    "splashMinWaterLevel" : 0.4,
    "splashBottomSensor" : [0, -2.0],
    "splashTopSensor" : [0, 2.0],
    "numSplashParticles" : 8,
    "splashYVelocityFactor" : 0.2,

    "splashParticle" : {
    "type" : "ember",
    "position" : [0, -1],
    "finalVelocity" : [0, -20],
    "approach" : [0, 50],
    "color" : [60, 150, 224, 100],
    "size" : 1.0,
    "timeToLive" : 0.5,
    "destructionAction" : "shrink",
    "destructionTime" : 0.2

    "splashParticleVariance" : {
    "velocity" : [10, 0],
    "size" : 2.0

    "teleportInTime" : 1.0,
    "teleportInBase" : "/humanoid/any/playerwarpin.png",
    "teleportInBeam" : "/humanoid/any/playerwarpinbeam.png",
    "teleportInFrames" : 16,

    "teleportOutTime" : 0.75,
    "teleportOutBase" : "/humanoid/any/playerwarpout.png",
    "teleportOutBeam" : "/humanoid/any/playerwarpoutbeam.png",
    "teleportOutFrames" : 12,

    "teleportHeight" : 43.0,
    "teleportBeamHeight" : 8,
    "teleportTallness" : 30,

    // 50mins @ 5C = 15000sec/1C
    "warmthTransferRate" : 1000.0,
    "warmthTransferRateCap" : 1000.0,
    "comfortRegen" : 2.0,
    "bodyTemperatureRangeLow" : [5, 99999],
    "windChillFactor" : 10,
    "idealTemperature" : 25,

    "maxOverlayPercent" : 0.8,
    "freezeOverlayColor" : [175, 175, 255],

    "nametagOpacityRate" : 0.01,
    "nametagOffset" : [0, 2],
    "nametagColor" : "white",
    "nametagFontSize" : 7,
    "nametagOpacityBoost" : 3,

    "emoteCooldown" : 2,
    "blinkInterval" : [5, 30],

    "damageConfig" : "/damage/damageresponse/default.config",
    "bodyMaterialKind" : "organic",

    "reviveCost" : {
    "absolute" : 1,
    "percentile" : 30.0

    and you are done. Please leave suggestions on what i should add or what to create ;D
    BTW you craft it at an anvil coalbroadsword.png icons.png coalpickaxebig.png

Recent Reviews

  1. FrostTheFox
    Version: 1.0
    1/5 Hard to install, etc

    Instructions weren't clear enough, I shoved a bear inside a cookie.
  2. BitHorizon
    Version: 1.0
    That install method is so outdated that it was never used.

    At THE VERY LEAST compile your own player.config in the files (Even though this breaks other mods). or if you're feeling like giving any effort at all, learn to merge.
  3. WolWer
    Version: 1.0
    Bad install instruction and download