Change log v. Angry Koala 1.1.4
* Added 9 skin color options to character creation, total of 11:
Normal Grey, Green Grey, Dark Grey, Dark Purple Grey, Olive Grey, Dark Red, Dark Blue, White Grey, Black Grey, Light Red Grey and Light Purple Grey.
(can be limited to a favorite color, for spawners and such, readme file in the species folder)
* Tier1 Grey Space armor now has the right color (Grey instead of copper)
* Added tier10 armor (impervium, Psionic's Combat Armor) to the game!
* Added tier1 weapons: broadsword, axe, dagger, shortsword, hammer, spear.
* Added custom hurt sound effects (1 female, 1 male) from XCOM: UFO defense.
* Reskinned shiplocker and techstation to fit the purple theme
* Added starter clothes, simple (loin cloth) and sleek outfits (female pants are low-cut)
* Added Grey Flag (Still WIP)
* Joined with Kobold / Varan / Reptan authors to make NPC responses to each other's race called the Racial Crossover Mod. Also adding in specific Grey NPC dialog (you can get responses from Grey villagers now)
Get the mod here
As a always, stay Grey! (And please leave a review if you like my mod!)
NOTE: This mod has changes some file structure, so delete the folder and put the new one in!
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
Outdated Classic Grey Alien race Enraged Koala 1.3.1
Grey aliens - now with a twist!