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CIPHER Ship AI v1.0

Bill Cipher's become your ship AI! Ready to make a deal?

  1. More fixes and tweaks!

    - Fixed some text being wrong colors in various different files
    - Revised some text to flow better(hopefully)
    - Patched up another missing entry for the Glitch. Curse me and my inattentiveness!

    Gonna update the picture on the main page to reflect the typo that was fixed a little while ago. Whoops!

    Hopefully the updates will slow down sometime, if only I'd stop finding things that I messed up on! Haha.
  2. I lied, the portraits weren't fixed + typo fix + custom race mod support!

    - Fixed a typo regarding the first matter manipulator upgrade, where Bill was referring to multiple modules in plural form even though you only need one.

    - REALLY fixed the portraits not working this time. For realsies, I actually was able to test it this time. Oops!

    - Made a dropbox folder specifically for this mod with custom race support; the only thing in it currently is support for the Orcana race mod. Might do...
  3. Whoops, talk about a 'glitch' in the system

    Terrible pun aside, there are two important things to note here:

    - Glitch should actually have access to the custom Bill-ified text versions of all the AI stuff now. I can't believe I forgot the entire Glitch race in all those files before this...

    - Fixed the little pop-up AI messages in certain points of the game(like visiting the gate for the first time or in missions) being blank where the picture goes and text not being customized(I think I did, anyways).
  4. Typo Fixes, Round 1

    Bill now asks you to get Erchius crystals from “somewhere” instead of “smwhere” even if you are not human...