At this time I am unable to update the text for the AI scenarios without messing with other race mod AI speech as well(I can only seem to adjust the 'default' speech text, which means that anything will default to it, even other mods).
To avoid unwanted interaction in that way, CIPHER currently only visually updates SAIL's graphics.
I want to do the "text replacement" stuff I did in early access versions of Starbound... I really do. But between the options of "don't update at all until text modifying becomes possible without being a compatibility-centered mess" and "post a watered down version sooner so that it at least works on modern Starbound versions at all", I chose the latter.
Let me know if you have any issues.
Currently this mod will only work for the default six Starbound races, and all of them are included. Race mod compatibility may be looked into once I can actually flesh out the mod the way I'd like to.
This probably won't work with other AI-modifying mods very well, if at all.
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CIPHER Ship AI v1.0
Bill Cipher's become your ship AI! Ready to make a deal?