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Outdated Chocobo Mounts 1.05

KWEH! Adds rideable Chocobos and more!

  1. zeskorion
    Version: 1.01
    remember this from minecraft. lol .
    1. Dragonith
      Author's Response
      I remember this from Final Fantasy.
  2. Arceorenix
    Version: 1.01
    Well done, you've fixed the problem, and it works like a good ol' charm. I cannot express how much I love riding a Chocobo across a planet's surface.
  3. Shadowstarx
    Version: 1.01
    By the comments i think its going to be good but a question... its work at furious koala because my starbound gota uptate glitch
    1. Dragonith
      Author's Response
      No, it doesn't. Sorry.
  4. dawg911
    Version: 1.0
    Wow, excellent work! Really loves it! only downside is no attack on the mount ... still one of my fav mod so far!
    1. Dragonith
      Author's Response
      Mounted combat's possible, but we're kinda limited by the game's engine at the moment. Still, thanks! ^^
  5. Ixantir
    Version: 1.0
    I really like the sprites for this. Can't fight back on a chocobo. major downside.
    1. Dragonith
      Author's Response
      Mounted combat is possible, but we're kinda limited by the game's engine at the moment. It would cause clipping issues with the sprites since we cant control the zLevel of the weapons/player arms.
  6. TheUniversalUniverse!
    Version: 1.0
    I LOVE the idea, but it's not working with my starbound at the moment, I'm looking forward to a fix plz!
    1. Dragonith
      Author's Response
      There's a manual fix for the mod. Read the latest update.
  7. Fezudu
    Version: 1.0
    Amazing mod , after the fix works perfectly with all my mods =DDD keep the good work , you guys rock! \o
  8. Arceorenix
    Version: 1.0
    After all that, it works and I downright LOVE it! The Chocobo's need to jump higher though...
    1. Dragonith
      Author's Response
      Aha, thanks! And yeah, that's one of the issues we still need to work out. ^^;
  9. HitchhikerBros
    Version: 1.0
    Found you through DeviantART actually, really impressive pixel art! Very nice mods!