This mod "Improves" the vanilla blink,energy dashes and multijump to an epic degree
*Have fun
Exo suit (Note :this makes all mechs invisible and will eventually mess up the Usefull Mechs *sorry cant do anything about it : (Wip).zip?dl=0)
it replaces the standard human mech
*blink controls
F = blink
G = invisibility
Also Adds a Secret function
- Blink now blinks through walls at a lowered energy cost .
- G Makes you invisible (working on making it a toggle)
- Dash now moves you a lot farther and at a faster rate
- Multijump is now infinite
- Fixes random blink for some reason!
- Makes mechs better (only the human one for now)
- Rocket Jump is now SUPER HIGH! *Note Possibility of death
- 2 in 3 mechs to go ! Usefull Mechs
- Nope.avi tech
- Zipped zipped folders!
- Releases that never happen and ultra slow updates!
Im open to suggestions and ideas if you have something you want changed ill *probably* make it happen
if there are any problems with the mod contact me at :
*i love how no one ever does this ^ *
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Cheat techs mod 1.26
adds new techs for use in multiplayer
Recent Updates
- i didnt change anything just ignore it Dec 29, 2015
- You can now Blink into Walls Jul 23, 2015
- WE ARE BACK BABY ! Jul 22, 2015