Any new Celestar characters created from now on will spawn with a new seed item called Ambervine Seeds. These replace the current use of Pearlpea Seeds as a placeholder. Please note that they are currently not found growing wild so you have to create a new character to obtain the new seeds and food items.
Ambervine Seeds take roughly 25 minutes to grow (I used grape seeds as a base) and when harvested have a chance to give the following items:
The Ambervine item is the golden vine portion of the plant. They are edible, filling 30 hunger, and are also used in additional food recipes.
- 1 Ambervine, 2 Ambervine Seeds
- 1 Indiberries, 1 Ambervine, 1 Plant Fibre
- 2 Ambervine, 1 Indiberries
Indiberries are indigo colored berries that also grow on the ambervine plant, fill 30 hunger when eaten and are also used in additional food recipes.
I have also replaced the starting cooking table recipes with Celestar specific foods (the Bread recipe is still there because it's required for one of the new recipes). The new recipes are as follows:
Ambervine Salad (Side Dish. Requires 3 Ambervine, 1 Indiberries, 1 Tomato)
Indiberry Bread (Dessert. Requires 1 Indiberries, 1 Bread)
- Fills 90 Hunger
- Health Regen 2
- +10 Health
- +20 Energy
Indiberry Pie (Dessert. Requires 2 Indiberries, 3 Ambervine)
- Fills 90 Food
- Health Regen 3
- Sugar Rush
Indiberry Soup (Entree. Requires 3 Indiberries)
- Fills 80 Hunger
- +20 Health
- Sugar Rush
Indeberry Wine (Drink. Requires 3 Indiberries, 1 Wheat)
- Fills 80 Hunger
- Health Regen 3
- +10 Energy
All of the new recipes are made at the Wooden Cooking Table.
- Fills 5 Hunger
- +30 Energy
- Doping
I also added a Flag item for the Celestar so you can start marking your new frontiers.
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Outdated Celestar Race 0.3.0 Upbeat Overhaul
This mod adds a vibrantly colorful race of extragalactic nomads to the game.