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Boats! v2.5 Pleased Giraffe

Sail the open seas!

  1. Updated to Pleased Giraffe

    Hello everyone! This is a simple update to make us compatible with Pleased Giraffe. I've also included a few quality-of-life changes:

    -The sub now moves slightly faster in every direction, and significantly faster when rising to the surface.
    -Seeker torpedos now move slightly faster
    -The tech descriptions (in the tech window) now give more details on how to use the techs.
    -The hylotl submarine now has its own unique tech icon instead of the car icon.

    ALSO: There is a known bug with the submarine's seeker missiles. For some reason they sometimes don't harm the large fish, only occasionally harm the normal fish, and don't harm the undersea critters at all. I can't figure this out for the life of me. If any of you are able to notice any sort of pattern with this issue, let me know.

    Agoraphobian likes this.
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