New info:
Some assets previously present in Shipyard Rebuilt and Vepr Ship are now moved here. This is for easier server support. You can't craft these items without SR and Vepr, but they won't turn to PGIs or dirt as long as the server has this mod.
The obvious advantage is the server can support Shipyard and/or Vepr users, but without forcing all users to have a shipyard. So I think that is better. It is also easier for me to manage some assets this way.
Available on Steam Workshop
Tabula Rasa Compatible (not required).
Lighted Platforms is now bk3k's Blocks and objects
This mod is a requirement of Shipyard Rebuilt, but I decided to split this stuff off and just make it a requirement. That simplifies things and lets easily people use my objects even if they don't want my shipworld. But much of what's here is designed to match the shipyard (lunar base blocks mostly).
Despite how simple they are, these platforms are very useful. They can take the places of both platforms and torches, plus they can be placed in liquids.
There are now 7 colors choices available.
1 - white
2 - yellow
3 - pink
4 - aqua
5 - red
6 - green
7 - blue
The description should tell you what light color it will be. If you place different color platforms near each other, you will mix the color of the light. Try it! Or if they are separate, the area between them will have a variable light shade.
You can use the paint tool to change the color of the platform itself, but this will not affect the color of light given off. You may still enjoy to do so anyhow.
black glass (light tint) - because I love the look of black glass but wanted it more transparent/less blocking. Now sloped.
black glass (medium tint) - in between the light and vanilla tint for when you want more subtle changes. Now sloped.
pressurisedGlowSteel - pressurized durasteel but with a subtle glow(which matches the actual color of the block). Also stronger.
- allows passage of anything... except liquids! The basic look is from the black glass, but almost totally transparent for a real ethereal look. If you paint it black, it becomes invisible! Therefore you see only the liquid - perhaps suspended in mid air. That can work well to compliment my pipes flow mod - invisible block around the pipe that DOESN'T allow liquid flow (thus to complete the illusion).(2 x 8) door I designed to match the lunar set(most vanilla doors are only 5 tall). I like it anyhow. I can make more designs later. This door is animated when closed, and has more closing/opening frames than vanilla doors do thus making the closing/opening smoother. It is using a built-in automatic doors script too. It will open when it detects either player or vehicle. This is fortunate as it is large enough for small vehicles to pass through. Including the "modular mechs" that got added to vanilla.
2 input and output nodes. The first input will work like you expect. The second is an alternative that doesn't prevent you from manually opening or opening automatically. The first output node works like you'd expect. The second output node only outputs when a player(or vehicle) is detected. This makes the door essentially a proximity sensor too, so there are many options on how to wire these things up.
At present it doesn't require any anchors. So you can just place it in mid-air. Maybe I'll change it later but this was easier for testing purposes.
Also you can connect rails to the doors, and they'll connect when they're open.
horizontal airlock door - same as above, but horizontal (8 x 2).
Also now available with the lunar base platforms built in(the lunar set is what I made the doors for originally anyhow) as inspired by the platform hatches mod.upgraded airlock - doesn't allow the passage of liquids and has a nice energy field type animation when it is open.
There is also a horizontal version.
These things perfectly mimic whatever blocks they're next to. PERFECTLY. Doesn't matter if vanilla or mod added. They'll take on not only the appearance, but also attributes of the blocks they mimic. Radiant light, platform collisions, status effects like burning. You name it! You can til dirt doors(although the tilling doesn't hold between opening and closing again) and grow plants on them.
They'll match the hue of the world in case you have something like radiant worlds installed. Or you can repaint them tile by tile and they'll retain the color even after opening/closing.
The horizontal ones will scan to the left and right. The vertical ones will scan above and below. They'll prefer foreground blocks first, and then background blocks if no foreground matches. If they don't find a match(no blocks near because you placed them in mid-air) then they will periodically scan for blocks and in the mean time show a frame... when closed. So leave them open to conceal your platform ladder.
Oh and they can find a block match even from other chameleon doors... closed doors that is. They're available with and without wire nodes attached. Wire nodes could give away their presence. But starting with SB 1.10, wire nodes don't show up when tile protection is used... aka missions/dungeons/etc. So the option for wired is included too.
They're all available in [2 x 8], [1 x 8], [1 x 4], [2 x 2], [8 x 2], [8 x 1], [4 x 1] all with or without wire nodes.
Honestly I hate the art, so call this placeholder art. Well I'm not really much of an artist anyhow, but I think I can do better than this. Or maybe some kind soul could ...if you don't mind your art being open usage. For now I nixed the animation too. I'll probably upgrade this later with an automatic sensing sprinkler system (uses water from nearby container etc). I made it for my space farming dome, and I think people will love the dome when SR is re-released. Not so sure they'll keep the lights.Very big containers. Finally remade the UI for these. I'll probably change this out later - if for no other reason than to have persistent storage, sorting etc.
My thinking though on the capacity - versus (x, y) size - is that this was for a station and that station had plenty of 'z' dimension. In other words they're really deep. And I wanted massive storage. They already are animated, but I'll probably want to add an opening animation later. And maybe improve upon their look somewhat.
They only appear when players are near and automatically merge together.
I'll have signs but they aren't here yet(mostly for labeling your warehouse).
More blocks could be added for sure.
A mini "door" that's a "pipe end" to compliment my pipes flow mod.
More door designs.
Larger version of the doors to accommodate larger vehicles like the sweet mod vehicles out there.
Oh and I really think you'll like the tubes... a lot. At least once they're here.Objects that
You walk/travel inside of(12 tiles wide)
self-fill in background blocks,
clean up after themselves if you remove them,
remember changes you made and restore the change upon being placed again.
are modular and thus fit together in many different configurations.
Probably have versions that emulate vacuum tubes.
Dome contained moon(etc) cities here we come! Yes complimentary meteor resistant domes are a likely followup.
* No penguins where harmed during the production of this mod, except those who had it coming.
Please ask questions or report problems in the discussion tab. That goes for any mod actually. I'll be glad to help you there. Suggestions would also be better placed there.
The reviews are for rating the mod itself so that other Starbound players might know if the mod is worth their time or not.
The reviews/ratings don't actually affect me, but please be considerate of your fellow Starbound players by only posting reviews that serve this purpose. Thank you.
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bk3k's blocks and objects - formerly lighted platforms 2.4.03
Stuff you didn't know you needed til now
Recent Updates
- Fixed issue with FU update Jun 4, 2018
- Another Vepr fix Jan 8, 2018
- minor fix Jan 3, 2018