-=- Crafting -=-
• Removed Laser Diobe and gold bars from Wire Tool
• Removed silicon boards as crafting requirements for Wire and Paint tools
• Added a tool for stealing non-paintable colors from blocks so you can apply that hue to other blocks
-=- Misc -=-
• "Help! I need somebody!" now requires iron armor instead of tungsten, and gives a human tech station instead of an apex one
• Added six new tech station skins for each playable race!
• Tech Stations, Metalwork Stations, and the Portable Pixel Printer now have colored lights!
• The Portable Pixel Printer has a new vanish effect.
• The Novakid Ship Locker now uses the appropriate color palette
• Adjusted the line spacing of the object4 tooltipitemdescription.
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Betabound! v14
A base-game enhancement mod featuring new content! Not an overhaul.