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Betabound! v14

A base-game enhancement mod featuring new content! Not an overhaul.

  1. Research Station!

    -=- Tech -=-
    • Pulse Jump is now known as Energy Pulse Jump, to further distinguish it from the other Pulse Jump
    • Changed the descriptions of the boost techs to be more consistent with other tech
    • Reduced the energy-per-second cost of all boost techs
    • Tech can be unequip at a Tech Station
    • Biotech can be downloaded from a Tech Station

    -=- Crafting -=-
    • Added the Research Station, obtainable from doing quests at the Outpost! Enhance tech here, or mix them to produce new ones!
    • The Refinery can erase data from techdrives and break blank tech drives into techchips.
    • The Skyrail Crafting Table now requires 8 silver bars to craft, down from 20.
    • Blank Tech Drives can be crafted from the [C] menu

    -=- Bug Fixes -=-
    • In the Tech Station, descriptions of biotech are now shown on selection instead of on equip
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