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Betabound! v15.0

A base-game enhancement mod featuring new content! Not an overhaul.

  1. Better daggers + bug fixes!

    -=- Crafting Recipes -=-
    • Some more wooden items can be crafted at crafting tables

    -=- Racial Daggers -=-
    • Are now more damaging
    • Are now faster
    • Now display 'Hunting Dagger' as their category

    -=- Weapons -=-
    • Hunting Knife now does more damage
    • Brain Extractor now shoots faster and uses less energy

    -=- Misc -=-
    • Robot parts and the Brain Extractor now have more accurate prices
    • Robot boss now has a chance to drop more materials on death, and an action figure!
    • Added a tall chair
    • Added sound effects to crafting stations

    -=- Bug Fixes -=-
    • Brain Extractor now extracts brains much more reliably
    • Artificial Brains now have prices and proper tooltips
    Shock Sphere and Catherine Franz like this.
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