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Base In A Box 2.0.12

Deploy instant base modules from placeable objects.

  1. enceos
    Version: v6.4
    My favorite of all time!
  2. Faolan16
    Version: v6.3
    AMAZING!I love the mod!
  3. Solzucht
    Version: v6.3
    Hopefully Placeable Houses Are Able to be used for colonists :) Happy XMas
    1. Pilchenstein
      Author's Response
      If you try this, place a foundation first - colony deeds don't count platforms as solid floor.
  4. Gun_Shy
    Version: v6.2
    Freakin' wonderful mod. I started using this back in Koala. I actually started using mods because I went looking for a mod exactly like this. So thanks for filling that void.
  5. Christopher Schutte
    Christopher Schutte
    Version: v6.2
    Lovely mod, I do agree this should be a thing in vanilla starbound. I Would ask that the bases be a bit bigger though.
    1. Pilchenstein
      Author's Response
      I could put together some larger modules without too much trouble, sure.
  6. Lonewolf239
    Version: v6.2
    5/7 prefect score.
    But in all seriousness, prefab buildings we can throw down need to be a thing in vanilla Starbound.
  7. OrbitalMan
    Version: v6.1
    Really cool and useful feature!
  8. Algryen
    Version: v6.1
    really helpful mod, i took a entire apex lab with it :D
  9. enceos
    Version: v6.0
    Lovely, can't play without this mod! My settlers love it as much!
  10. lordglythglyth
    Version: v6.0
    cant get the scanner you connexct it to a switch then the scanner to the markers right and u only need 2 markers?
    1. Pilchenstein
      Author's Response
      You can use two markers or just one and it will use the scanner as a marker. Although you can connect the scanner to a switch, it'll work if you just activate it by hand, which is usually easier.
  11. simulatoralive
    Version: v5.5
    Amazing and useful mod. Has aided me quite a bit in working on demo/sampler screenshots for my own mod. I can re-organize and make space for something new without having to rebuild it from scratch. Thank you.
  12. Albussystems
    Version: v5.5
    Yes Sir! Awesome mod and the Delays you added are very helpful as well! Thanks for this!
  13. GilNen
    Version: v5.5
    very good.
  14. Lokisan
    Version: v5.5
    Great concept and mod. I really like the idea and this is, kind of, the continuation of construction squared! Thank you and keep on it!
  15. spaztheninja
    Version: v5.3
    Good mod great concept. Works really good. My problem is that I wasn't able to get it working till the release " Pleased Giraffe ". Unfortunately I am unable to use the scanner since it requires an ingredient that has been removed from the game.
    1. Pilchenstein
      Author's Response
      Yeah, all the ores changed. I'm going to fix it all when I get a chance, I've just been busy this week.
  16. Glandor
    Version: v5.3
    The mod is excellent and functional when it works properly- however unfortunately it appears to have problems with multiplayer. Whenever items that involve the mod are placed in multiplayer everyone is ejected from the planet it was placed on, if you return to the planet the item is nowhere to be seen.

    If it's on a ship you're kicked from the server, and when you log in the item is also not there. I do not know whether or not this is a mod error- and if it is not I will gladly ammend my post.
    1. Pilchenstein
      Author's Response
      To use a mod in multiplayer, the mod must be installed on the server itself as well as on each player's pc.
  17. TheRelentless01
    Version: v5.3
    The printer doesn't copy wiring. I wanted to use this to copy password locks (very long to wire)
    1. Pilchenstein
      Author's Response
      This is something I'm going to look at.
  18. BasicallyNuclear
    Version: v5.3
    I scanned a building and I have been waiting 30 min for it to give the clear to construct it
    1. Pilchenstein
      Author's Response
      If it's a very big building, then there's probably birds or something blocking it off screen. It's something I'm looking at.
  19. jmlop0
    Version: v5.3
    I used to use this mod a long time ago before they changed how the difficulty of worlds worked, but sadly I don't know how to start using this mod now in Starbounds current state
    1. Pilchenstein
      Author's Response
      Once you get the robotic crafting station you should be able to make the science station from there.
  20. Ayamabuki
    Version: v5.2
    Wonderful, specially the scanning part.