Backpacks can be installed much like any other mod; Simply drag your backpacks.pak file into your Starbound mod directory, and you should be good to go!
(When upgrading to a newer version, remember to remove any old versions of this mod that may be laying around!)
Backpack creation can be done anywhere. To make one, simply open your [C] menu and have 5 string, 10 fabric, and 15 tungsten at the ready.
(Or you can craft it for free in /admin!)
Once crafted, backpacks can be opened by holding the backpack, and activating it (Much like eating food). You may be scared when the bag disappears from your hand, but don't worry! The moment you close the interface, it'll pop right back into your inventory.
Additionally, it's compatible with vanilla servers! Just make sure you don't pass the bag to anyone without the mod installed.
The bag tab lets you access all your items, and is near identical to a regular storage container. Upgrades can provide additional 25 slot 'page' to the Backpack.
(Food doesn't rot right now, however; enjoy it while you can!)
The password tab lets you lock your bag, making it require a password to open.
Be warned however, if you forget your password, you will not be able to recover your items.
(The contents get encrypted; great for protecting your items from thieves, not so great if you forget the password yourself.)
The settings tab is where all the fun happens! Here you can set the colour of your bag and rename it to whatever you'd like.
The second settings page will bring you to the upgrade section. Here you can add additional 'pages' of items to the main bag.
Colour of the bag is controlled by the RGB sliders, or by directly entering in a 0-255 value in the boxes.
(16581375 colours to choose from!)
If you encounter any bugs or issues with the mod, please let me know in the discussion section! Be sure to describe the issue in detail, and attach any logs if you can!
(Bugs reported under the review section will be ignored.)
Known Bugs:
Rotting timers pause inside the bag.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Backpacks 2.3.1
For all your backpack related needs.
Recent Updates
- Small tweak. Jan 10, 2019
- Upgrade update! Jan 6, 2019
- Oops. Nov 27, 2017