Latest Update:
- The Na'vi. An outfit that changes depending on the gender, resistant to toxic environments, with colorable war marks and long bows.
- The RDA combat helmet.
- A decorative AMP mech that you can interact with to spawn your own mech anywhere.
- NPC weapons, for your modded AI battles.
- Minor bug corrections.
Teaser trailers
The mod features
- The AMP suit (the mech) with its GAU-90 rifle and the six foot length knife, as a modular mech.
.- Two variants of the huge aerospace vehicle, the Valkyrie SSTO, one with incendiary bombs, and the other one with massive Block-Destruction bombs. Both have 1 pilot seat, 5 passenger seats and walkable areas for flight gunners.
.- If driving the Valkyrie, enter "Graphics menu", set the zoom level to x2 to have good visibility and hold Ctrl to move the camera around the ship.
.- An Exopack (the gas mask). It is functional, and it will protect you from dangerous environments.
.- Variety of RDA uniforms, armors and weaponry.
.- The RDA Crafting Console, where you can craft every item included in the mod.
.- Several decorations and containers.
How to craft the items
In the Architect's Table and the Engineer's Table (the two upgrades of the Inventor's Table) you will see the recipe of the RDA Crafting Console. Craft it, and inside it you'll find all the recipes of all the items.
Optionally you can also buy, instead of crafting, the two Valkyrie bombers from the Outpost hoverbike shop: Penguin Pete.
Building the Mech
Craft the required pieces in the RDA Crafting Console. Now find the underground Mech Workshop in the Outpost and complete the starter quest. Now you can place the mech pieces inside the Mech Assembly Station.
Download mirrors
Through Steam Workshop:
Through Nexus Mods:
Avatar - RDA at Starbound Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)
Other Sci-Fi mods
The Mandalorian
Boba Fett Classic
Zone Trooper Mod
If you are using Frackin' Universe or XS Mechs : Modular Edition, you can, optionally, use this adapter if you don't want the AMP mech legs to look like Rayman!
How to install:
Copy or move the "Avatar_RDA_1.3.2.pak" inside Starbound's "mods" folder and start the game, that's all.
How to find Starbound's "mods" folder:
- If you have Starbound in Steam, open Steam, go to your game library, right-click Starbound, click "Manage", click "Browse local files".
Now you should be in Starbound's folder, and you should see the folder "mods".
- If you have Starbound in GOG Galaxy, find the GOG directory, enter the folder "Games", enter the folder "Starbound", and you should see the folder "mods".
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Avatar: Na'vi & RDA Update 1.3.2
The huge bombers and heavy mechs of the RDA have come to Starbound.
Recent Updates
- Na'vi Update - Avatar: RDA Mod Mar 18, 2022
- Valkyrie vehicle / Compatible with ALL mods now Jun 9, 2021
- Laser Diode fix May 16, 2021