about time someone fixed it. ive been having fluffy space raptor withdrawal for so long
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Avali (Triage) 1.11.0
Return of the most adorable predators this side of the universe rift
- 5/5,
- 5/5,
Honestly, I really love this mod. I have not reason to not love it. I thank you for bringing this to the current Starbound version.
- 5/5,
I wish I could rate more than five stars, really. Best race move I've seen so far, and since you guys made a strong cultural background, why not to include side-quests or full-fledged cities?
The only thing I want to point is to include a one handed melee weapon in the beginning of game,but doesn't make it worth any less than max rating anyways. Glad to know this is being updated frequently!-
Author's Response
The daggers are easy to make, I may just throw those into the starting locker.
- 5/5,
Avali best fluffy space raptors. Mod is great update for best race. Double Plus Good!
- 5/5,
Love this mod! There's so much work put into it and the race has a very well fleshed out background!
Author's Response
Avali armor is done by armor inserts, leaving you free to use whichever cosmetics you like (Or go naked if you want :D)
The newest update includes actual visible armor, but it's only for guards, not for players (You can, though, get it via admin commands or by hacking.)
space guy of space
- 5/5,
This mod is what made me play starbound again. it brought back the best race ever. since its been revisited i have some request for modders. the only thing that could make this better is mechs and or mount, actual armor models , and maybe a pet. but don't worry i still looove this mod and keep up the great work! and PS i can totally live without those improvements but they would be nice! and a final salute to the old avali mod for inspiring us all
Author's Response
You can craft 'armor' like plating in the lathe, I believe. There's a few sets, modeled after what the old armor looked like before it was switched to an inserts method.
- 5/5,
Endless Fuffyness!!!!
First off, I want to thank you and everyone else who is keeping this mod alive as RyujinZero works on a stable version. I have been playing this mod basically since it was first uploaded and I have to say that unlike other race mods, starbound feels incomplete without it.
I'm waiting to now to review this as I've spent the last 2 years lurking this forum and not actually contributing, so here I am.
The avali sprites look exceptionally well done and the unique design gives this race an edge over many others, as in it's not just another humanoid mixed with an animal.
The color scheme of the Avali is unlike all the others and the ship design is very sleek!
Unfortunately, when hit they make an adorable sound which makes you almost feel bad for them XD
This mod seems to have full compatibility with most mods I've downloaded and it's contents show up nicely in an inventory editor (such as starcheat) for testing purposes and totally not so I can arm my avians with awesome Avali firepower.
OH! Did I mention the amazing weapons these guys have?
The Avali sport upgrade-able, Customize-able guns that look very unique and add a lot to the game.
I rarely play starbound without this mod and it's a required mod on my server!
Thanks for keeping this going! I'm going back to my tent.
Author's Response
If I could Like reviews, I'd Like this one.
Ryuujin has actually moved on to other games. He's stated that he'll come back once Starbound has released a more feature-complete update.
- 5/5,
Basically my favorite custom race there is, thank you for updating it. 10/10
- 5/5,
A cool mod with good design and ideas.And my favourite custom race mod.They should add Avali to the game.
- 5/5,
Outstanding spritework, in-depth lore, balanced weaponry and armor, and an overall excellent addition to Starbound.
- 5/5,
As of your recent update, and I'm not fully sure when this happened or if anyone else.. but the Inset Lighting seems to be broken.. the light isn't centered on the image and it points right and not the normal down-ish. All in all this is still my top favorite race available, and is the race of my primary character, Talokaru Ceta. I hope this issue will be resolved soon, those lights are the cooler ones of the group.
- 5/5,
ok so I ABSOLUTELY LOVE how you brought it back and I've been wanting to review it for quite some time..and I have one question burning through my mind..where is the Avali respawn animation?
Author's Response
The respawn animation is the single most involved file in the game, with upwards of 100 frames for one short snippet that many players skip, and would only have the chance to see every once in a while. For now, enjoy your space raptors flat-out saying 'NO' to death and returning to existence from absolute nothing.
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