Augments Station
This mod adds a station that facilitates extraction, splitting, upgrading, and combination of lures, reels, collars, and augments. The station can be obtained from the architect's table using the following recipe:
Although another mod exists which allows for combination of augments, it did not allow for extraction, splitting, or upgrading of anything. Also, it did not allow for combination of collars. Furthermore, it was rather unbalanced, in my opinion, as it allows for unlimited combination of augments (whereas my mod limits combined items to 3).
- Durasteel Bar x20
- Gold Bar x5
- Copper Wire x10
- Silicon Board x4
- Battery x1
Here you see the augments station, in all its glory, alongside its simple interface. Three slots on top for input, and three slots on bottom for output.
To extract a lure/reel, place a fishing rod containing an upgraded lure/reel in one of the input slots, and then click 'Process'.
Upon completion, the fishing rod will be deposited sans lure/reel in an output slot alongside the extracted lure/reel.
To extract a collar, place a filled capture pod containing a collar in one of the input slots, and then click 'Process'.
Upon completion, the filled capture pod will be deposited sans collar in an output slot alongside the extracted collar.
To extract an augment, place an item containing an augment in one of the input slots, and then click 'Process'.
Upon completion, the item will be deposited sans augment in an output slot alongside the extracted augment.
To split a collar, place a combined collar into an input slot, and then click 'Process'.
Upon completion, all component collars will be deposited into output slots.
To split an augment, place a combined augment into an input slot, and then click 'Process'.
Upon completion, all component augments will be deposited into output slots.
To upgrade collars, place 2 identical collars of the same tier into input slots, and the click 'Process'.
Upon completion, the next tier of that collar will be deposited into an output slot.
To upgrade augments, place 2 identical augments of the same tier into input slots, and the click 'Process'.
Upon completion, the next tier of that augment will be deposited into an output slot.
To combine collars, place 2 or 3 collars into input slots (including previously combined collars), and then click 'Process' (note that the final result may not contain more than 3 total collars).
Upon completion, you'll find the newly combined collar in an output slot. Note the contained collars are listed in the tooltip, and the price reflects all included collars.
To combine augments, place 2 or 3 augments into input slots (including previously combined augments), and then click 'Process'. Note that the final result may not contain more than 3 total augments.
Upon completion, you'll find the newly combined augment in an output slot. Note the contained augments are listed in the tooltip, and the price reflects all included augments.
Known Issues
- Due to the nature of how vanilla Starbound stores the equipped lure/reel/collar/augment in their associated items, it was necessary to alter the LUA code to accommodate this mod. What this means is, unfortunately, any lure/reel/collar/augment applied prior to installing this mod will not be extractable.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Augments Station 1.1.1
This mod adds a station to extract/split/upgrade/combine lures, reels, collars, and augments.
Recent Updates
- Bug Fixes and Compatibility Additions Nov 13, 2016
- New Features and Overhauls Nov 6, 2016
- Fixed Issues with Certain Collars and Augments Oct 6, 2016