Argonian race mod recreated for Starbound 1.0. Explore the firmament as a child of the Hist.
This is an update and continuation of the amazing work by Sabboth who has given me permission to update and expand upon his old original Argonian Race Mod (thread). The goal of this mod is to get as close to 100% parity with the vanilla races as possible. It's fairly close.
Core features:
Optional Supplemental Features:
- Character sprite with animated tails and split body colors.
- Many horn and feather styles.
- Respawn animation.
- Namegen.
- Argonian themed clothing
- Argonian themed tier 1-3 armor.
- Some custom furniture.
- Argonian tenants and some NPCs.
- Some custom inspect texts. (more to come)
- Custom NPC dialogue.
- Some legacy Argonian racial weapons which can be made at a temporary Argonian Crafting Table.
- Marsh lizard ship pet.
Possible future plans:
- Custom codex tab - Requires Many Tabs by V6
- Human ship - Download
- Pre-Redux head sprites - Download
- Marsh-themed Argonian village.
- Better integrate blueprints and add loot tables. (specifically with racial weapons)
- Custom Argonian ship (currently uses Floran).
- Brainstorm some lore for why Argonians would be protectorates w/ new alternative history of Nirn.
- Maybe some other TES races down the line.
Alternatively available on steam.
- Install a character extender such as Xbawks Character Extender.
- Drop the extracted 'argonian' folder into your Starbound/Mods folder.
Also now on Github.
Original mod made by Sabboth Ochoa and April Smith, who deserve full credit and praise for their amazing spritework and ambition of the mod's scope. This mod is just an update of their work.
Additional credits go to OrangeBlueZ who initially updated the mod for Upbeat Giraffe. None of it is reflective here as almost all scripts were made from scratch, but his files were invaluable reference.
Argonians, The Elder Scrolls, and all other trademarks are property of Bethesda Softworks and Zenimax Media.
Permission Details:
I've received written permission from Sabboth to use his work and update/expand the original mod, as long as I credit him for sprites. I consider him the core author and owner though, so I'll preserve his permission settings. However, should an update break things and either of us are completely unreachable and MIA, I'd say feel free to pick up the torch and do whatever you need to update the mod at that point. Just provide credits to him for any art assets still in use. A github is available here.
Additionally, any mods that simply edit the assets for another mod's features or add features to this mod are allowed. This includes hair edits, making argonians compatible with any animation, etc. Even NSFW mods. Consider yourself to have automatic consent. The limited permissions only pertain to total re-uploading of the mod and adoption of it's mantle.
If you make something that you feel would be good to include in the base mod though, feel free to share it and we can possible include it.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Argonian Race Redux
Argonians return for Starbound 1.0.
Recent Updates
- Codex fix for vanilla UI users Jul 20, 2021
- Bug fixes and lizard pet Jun 19, 2021
- Minor codex stuff Jul 19, 2017