Amazing Mod, Can't wait for more updates and spells, gives crappy items a good use and adds little bit more on exploration. Only problem is that the mod doesn't work on most servers, specially summons, and the spells don't do damage, but that's the server's fault. Overall great mod, keep up the good work :D
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Outdated Arcane Add On 1.9.02 DROPBOX
Interesting Tiered Magic, Balanced for the Game.
- 5/5,
Author's Response
Thank you very much for the 5 star review! I'm glad you've enjoyed it. I hope you'll continue to follow it through future updates.
Author's Response
Thank you for the review, if you could start a discussion.message as to what I could do to earn 5 stars from you it would be a great help for the mod.
- 4/5,
First things first, an obvious mess-up:
The new fireball caused Circle of Flames (which is just fireballs thrown in all directions) to not do what you'd expect it to do (8 fireballs just explode at your position).
I like the damage revamp, as before it even magic missile 1-shot everything on sector X. However, chain lightning still 1-shots enemies probably due to the fact that it has multiple streams of splitted lightning hitting an enemy at the same time. Chain lightning also has a relatively low energy cost so it is the only viable choice for combat.
The thing I didn't like about the damage revamp is that most spells are not at all worth it anymore, perhaps you could look at the damage-to-cost ratio and balance it out? E.g. disintegrate costs almost all of my energy but deals mediocre damage for it.
Moreover, with the high costs for the offensive spells, you're best option is to use Heroism and a ranged weapon. Since Heroism still increases the damage by so much that you can 1-shot most enemies. Next to that is the fact that Heroism can be stacked for insane damage and >2100 armor, rendering you impervious to any enemy attack.
Summons tiering with your spellbook level would also be nice.
Lastly, kindof a personal issue but it feels a bit cheaty when you're mining an entire planet with 2 to 3 casts of meteor swarm.
Other than those issues I had, great mod.-
Author's Response
Thank you for the review. Circle of Fire was originally meant to be explosions around you, so I thought it worked nice as a push everyone away but it's key combination didn't quite work out.
The latest update should have fixed most of your issue, as summons now tier, chain lightning has been re balanced, and Heroism has been fixed.
As for meteor swarm mining and entire planet... well your tier 10 at this point and you might as well enjoy god mod. Once the game has more beyond Tier 10 to do, we will revamp Meteor Swarm accordingly.
I hope you continue to give feedback, and review this mod. I very much appreciate it.
- 4/5,
Getting the random bookshelves and similar furniture items is very irritating. What's more, the use of a tech to activate the spells makes the use quite cumbersome. Exiting the spell menu, on top of no discernible way of telling what spells you have, their power and their cost on the fly can be frustrating at times. But, given the limits of starbound at the moment, this mod is, if not the best, then one of the best and most complex and effective mods around. Great work!-
Author's Response
Well my first fair less than 5 star review. I like the feedback, the exploration items, were to give a sense of adventure and reason to explore multiple planets, and to raid dungeons rather then pass them by. I keep tweaking the recipes to hopefully make them less irritating.
We are working on different idea's (Monster spawn loot table to drop elemental crystals to craft the books. Certain planets having certain spawning creatures. Possibly miniboss mob adding special spell book reagents on drop, ect.)
Future updates will be addressing the cumbersomeness of the mod, possibly blank books to craft your own spell into them. Multiple spell books, ect... but like you said given the limitations of Starbound it works very well.
I hope you will continue to follow the mod, and give feedback and suggestions.
Author's Response
Thank you very much for the 5 star Review! I very much appreciate it and am glad you like the mod. If there is anything you would like to see in the mod I would be more than happy to hear the feedback.
Thank you again.
- 5/5,
it is amazing! ahh! this is what the game needed and the fact that you keep updating it is amazing!! thanks to you and everyone working on this!
Author's Response
I'm glad you are still loving it. Look forward to the Friday update, new spells, and the fixing of some old ones. I've currently got Arcane Eye finding ores, can't wait to get it all done.
Author's Response
Thank you Ellary, I appreciate it. I hope you like next friday's update. Also ScarletTerror has done a ton of work, so it'll be quite a large update. It's awesome getting another programmer/artist (yes more shinyness) to the mod.
- 5/5,
Wow, fast update! Thanks!
Gonna test and see if any bugs left.-
Author's Response
I hope there aren't any, I do my best to avoid them. Lots of improvements coming as soon as I can figure out the best way to do them.
Thank you again for a 5 star review :D
- 5/5,
This mod is really fun! I got a bug tho. Whenever I cast Shield, I seem to one hit everything. At least in <7. My weapon has 108 dps and one hit killed a mini boss with 1700HP.
Author's Response
Umm, oops. Heh I forgot to take that bit of code out I was testing... hehe Glad you enjoy the mod! Umm, I will fix that... *runs off to fix*
Thank you for the 5 star Review!!
- 5/5,
Wonderful mod, adds plenty of things to hunt for in the game. Somewhat frustrating hunting down some of the spell tome materials (My luck with Avian temples is amazingly bad, now that I actually WANT to find them), but the spells themselves feel nicely balanced for the content at their tier.
Also is much, much nicer now that there's the persistent spell mode, so I can easily spam cure light or offensive magic in combat-
Author's Response
Thank you for the 5 star Review! It's awesome you are enjoying the game. I have had to revamp some of the recipes as, well they added more silly dungeons (Dog houses, Floran Statues) lowering what was much more common in Angry Koala.
1.5 will have the improved recipes. But I'm glad you are having fun.
From the response about Persistent spell, it seems that I will be setting that as default.
- 5/5,
For some reason my summons dont seem to work D:
Author's Response
Thank you again for the 5 star review. Will speak to you about the summons, as far as I have tested they currently work as intended.
- 5/5,
Always makes my day better, when I see this updated <3
Author's Response
Your 5 star review brightens my day. Kinda felt down since I will need 30 more votes to get back to the front page.
But your review reminds me why I put so much work into this. Thank you for giving me the boost I needed to keep improving this mod.
Author's Response
I appreciate the review very much! Thank you! If you have any suggestions feel free to pm me and I will happily see what I can do :D
- 5/5,
Adds a really fun magic system to the game. Well Done. Look forward to future improvements!
Author's Response
I am very happy you have had so much fun with the mod. It's for that I constantly seek to improve the mod. Thank you very much for the review :D
Author's Response
Thank you for the 5 Star Review :D
- 5/5,
Tons of fun to be had with this mod and a sense of achievement when you progress through the book stages, though it can be a little frustrating at times to find the materials, it's worth it~
Author's Response
Thank you, I will attempt to make it less frustrating. I appreciate the ideas for new spells you have given me, and will definitely work to incorporate them next update.
Thank you for the 5 star review!
- 5/5,
I love this mod! That give me a quest in the game X_X finish it to have all of the book! and become a god! X_X Thanks you for this Awesome mod!
Author's Response
I'm glad you enjoy the mod! Feel free to give suggestions or report any bugs. Thank you again for the review.
- 5/5,
Adds a whole new level to the combat dynamic of the game. Love it!
Author's Response
Thank you so much. I am glad you like the mod so much. I will be updating it next Friday and hope you enjoy the new spells and balance.
Thank you again for reviewing.
- 5/5,
This mod does everything I could want and more. Mages are my favorite classes in any game, so it's thrilling to be able to play one in this game. Thank you a lot for your hard work. This mod really revitalized the game for me.
My only complaint is that once you get that lvl 10 book, you are pretty much god. I'd love to have a version of this mod with weaker spells, because when you can kill anything with a single Magic Arrow, it kinda takes something out of the flair of using the heavier more complex attack spells. Buffs are perfect, but some of the simpler ones, like Shield, should last a bit longer IMO. Also Heroism on a Impervium wielding character is pretty much god mode.-
Author's Response
Was it just the tier 10 book or were the lower level spells always more viable to you throughout the tiers.
I had planned the tier 10 to be essentially god mode since that's the general feel I got from impervium in Angry Koala. Though if that isn't the case any more I would be more than happy to rebalance it.
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