great mod give an excellent alternative to guns
<3 love the enchantment book :)
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Outdated Arcane Add On 1.9.02 DROPBOX
Interesting Tiered Magic, Balanced for the Game.
- 5/5,
Author's Response
Thank you for taking the time to give a 5 star review. I'm very happy you like it.
- 5/5,
Excellent update to a fantastic mod; adding a great deal of variety to an already interesting game. I'm loving the ability to use multiple spell books; it's turned me into a real support caster. Thank you!
Author's Response
Thank you for the review, and bug report. I glad you like the new system. People being able to play different type of casters is a thing we strived for.
Thank you again.
- 5/5,
I love this mod but the latest update has let me down just a tiny bit not enough to lower from 5 stars but the spell book is now in your hand? what id really love is for you not to have the spell book in your hand and like the before maybe this cab be an option? or something :3
Author's Response
I'm glad you still find it 5 star worthy. If you like, you can delete the .PNGs in the magic/spellbook folder it'll get rid of the book look. I will look into a way to make it an option, the book in hand was a heavily requested feature.
But now I am getting calls to remove it =(. So conflicted, but making things optional tends to be the solution.
Author's Response
Thank you I very much appreciate the 5 stars. I hope you continue to enjoy the mod.
- 4/5,
The version before this I was just getting used to then you update...but all is only issue is I have to click off the tech to reset to a new spell everytime...before you could just hit f and then the direction for the new spell.
Author's Response
F should still work, as should right click to clear the spell? Are you sure this is the case?
- 5/5,
Now you will have 5 stars!
Could be implemented in the game completely.-
Author's Response
Thank you kindly! I hope that the coming bug fixes and additional spells will be to your liking.
- 5/5,
An amazing mod. My only suggestion would be: to allow players to smelt the rare/uncommon down to smaller essence types. Otherwise... amazing. So fun and it fits right in with guns, swords, shields and the Glitch. I feel like a Floran Druid.
Author's Response
We may include that extracting recipe, definitely something to discuss. Thank you very much for the raiting, it helps keep us inspired to keep working on it. Big update coming!
- 5/5,
Awesome mod, and friendly author. There's a reason it's god such a high rating here!
Author's Response
Thank you for taking that time to rate my mod. I appreciate the 5 stars :D
- 5/5,
Love the mod. It's great to have magic in the game and the ability to do more with such a flexible game. Definitely going to look forward to the future updates. (Also love the Konami reference. I had actually looked for that, to see of you;d put it in.)
Author's Response
Thank you for the 5 star review! Sorry the updates are coming so slowly, life, work ect.
I look forward to getting the rest of the spells done, and fixing up the system. Been a real joyous thing to make this mod.
- 5/5,
This mod is fantastic! IT is exceptionally well-balanced and a lot of fun to play around with. (most of my points are already discussed by the other reviewers)
I'd just like that I hope invisibility is in your list of upcoming spells. And perhaps certain spells get the "purddifiying" treatment. But since you guys update weekly, that won't be a prob =)-
Author's Response
Thank you very much for the five star review!
Invisibility is sadly not on this list. There are numerous issues with creating an invisibility spell. However there are several spells, including the fixed gust spell, which allows you to bypass enemies.
If you were hoping just for a spell to make you not visable, as in hides your player so you can sneak around players that is doable.
Having a spell that allows you to go through a dungeon unnoticed by NPCs, and mobs, has proven either too laggy for multiplayer. Cucklefish had in one of their releases a invisible status effect, should that come back it'll totally be a spell on the list.
Thank you again.
- 5/5,
Great mod, its very funny and useful to my shaman kobold :).
This mod its a great addition to the game, great work.-
Author's Response
I am gald this mod lets you do what you want with your characters. It's kind of why I made it and I'm happy that you are enjoying it :D.
Thank you for your kind review!
- 5/5,
Having found myself somewhat disappointed with the ranged combat options offered in the base game, I installed your mod and I've got to say, I was instantly and positively surprised by how varied and yet well-balanced it feels. I've been using magic as one of my primary (if not the primary) means of combat for quite a while, and I could hardly imagine Starbound without it at this point.
Personally I still stand by the non-persistent option as well, I feel the key combos are what really sets your system apart and makes it feel like true magic, as opposed to merely an elaborate replacement for firearms (which magic sadly is in most games that feature it). Plus it ensures that lower-tier spells remain useful (juggling an enemy above my head with fireblasts never gets old).
Funnily, in the time it took me to get around to writing a review, you've already addressed most of the major qualms I was going to raise (namely the treasure hunt and the lack of a clear visual indicator of when you're in casting mode). There's still a handful of rough edges that might need polishing, but considering the frequency of the updates, I couldn't bring myself to rate it lower than 5. :)-
Author's Response
I very much appreciate the review! We do update almost weekly, and sometimes multiple times per week.
If you have the time, please feel free to start a conversation with me, I would greatly appreciate any feedback on the parts you found were rougher. Scarlet and myself work very hard at ensuring the mod is as perfect (or at least planned to be perfect) as possible. Probably perfect isn't the right word, but we have a vision for how we want this to go.
Thank you again!
- 5/5,
Having an awesome time with the mod but
i don't have the fireblast scroll available to make while I've finished crafting the other 6 scrolls needed for my tier 3 book. As a player in the X sector its frustrating when I'm only hitting 18 on a monster with 1000+ health with magic missile. why you ask? cause I'm a Floran Shaman and I do what i want. (but if you could message me that would be great)-
Author's Response
Thank you for the review! I have made a patch that specifically should address this issue, you may need to reuse the starmap for that tier to see it, or use the Tabula Rasa Mod, it's on the most downloaded page and top mod page.
Feedback always appreciated thank you again.
Author's Response
Thank you, I hope you enjoy it! We update constantly to improve and accept feedback from all.
Sea of infinity
- 5/5,
I really like your mod, my only criticism is that I really need an in-game spell casting list. I made my own off the list above but an optional book you could craft that flat out told you what to type for what spell would be very nice (as opposed to the flowery spell tomes). That's just my personal preference though and I wont deduct any star for it not being like that. Great job.
Author's Response
I am hoping that the crafting of the scroll for the spell book will help you with that. Also will be adding a more logical and straight forward codex for these things.
Thank you very much for the 5 star review. There are quite a few minor bugs being reported I will hopefully have a full fix out tomorrow for all of them :D
Captain Fabulous
- 3/5,
I believe I'm missing something in this mod, but I want to start positively here. Even though Starbound is science fiction, this magic system blends with the game terrifically. The spells are balanced (it seems), straightfoward, and aptly depicted. I love that you have to find random furniture during your adventures in order to progress. It's much better than just farming pixels or mining ore because it necessitates exploration, not grinding. The diamonds make it difficult to get started, though; I didn't find a diamond until tier 4. Luckily I had seen the spellbook recipes using Tabula Rasa, otherwise I wouldn't have brought steel bars with me.
Now, I really, really want to supplement the standard sword & gun combat with some arcane might, but I'm having quite a bit of trouble with the casting itself. First of all, using both hands to cast a spell interrupts things. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to hold still while casting, but you do have to. On top of that, you can't use any other techs, limiting your mobility even further. And finally, using jump to exit casting mode isn't intuitive for me. Pressing F or right-clicking again to exit is my preference, but I don't expect you to shape your mod around my preferences. All these factors combined make for a very cumbersome casting mechanic that's many times harder to use than a gun or a tech.
My biggest issue, however, is the combos. They only work if I hold down the keys, and I have to assume that's not right. Otherwise, how am I supposed to use Gale (up, up)? The answer is, I can't use Gale. Pressing W twice just gets me Flare. I can use Spark by pressing A and D at the same time though. Some troubleshooting and/or explanation of how combos work would be appreciated immensely.
So in summation:
-awesome spells
-good graphics
-casting mode is way clunky and slow
-can't perform combos with repeated keystrokes
I only wrote this novel of a review because I love the potential I see in Arcade Add-on and deeply wish to be throwing fireballs and teleporting with the same ease that I use my other tools and weapons. Unfortunately, standing still to cast Fire Blast gives animals too much time to gnaw on my face.-
Author's Response
Thank you for your feedback, I hope the latest update helped alleviate the problems you have had.
Illumina VonBruen
- 5/5,
Have been using for a few versions now, and I have to say it's one of my fav mods so far. Maybe a bit overpowered, but the energy costs of spells and requiring "odd" items to craft helps balance it out.
Flare & Regeneration alone take so much potential frustration out of the game, (waiting for bandage heals and using 100+ torches just in a single mining run...).
Would be great if there could be an indicator on the book icon, or when switching to it in hotbar, on what spell is loaded; but that's maybe more of a limitation in game icon ability than can be addressed in a mod.-
Author's Response
Thank you very very much for the review!
The selection on what spell is on which book will be in a coming update. We will also be fixing a lot of the frustration that comes with recipes by introducing a magic extractor. Look forward to the next update.
Author's Response
I'm glad you found it cool. If there is anything I could do to improve, so that I would earn 5 stars from you it would be great feedback to help the mod.
Author's Response
Thank you for the love Ellary, always appreciated. I hope you like the latest spells, teleport to surface has been so useful!
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