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Change the Warp Beam Color!

  1. Solus_Vael
    Version: 1.0
    Will this mod be updated now that the game is officially out of Early Access. Because I don't think this mod works anymore, my teleport beam stays the default color.
    1. AliveDrive
      Author's Response
      Aw shizz, I was unaware of that dudes! I'd actually been putting off a new game until after my move, but I'll see if I can update it later today.
  2. K'Braid
    Version: 1.0
    do you think you could provide death beams with the same variety?
    1. AliveDrive
      Author's Response
      I'm not sure how :/
  3. lke24
    Version: 1.0
    Looks nice just wish for more anti colors
    1. AliveDrive
      Author's Response
      Any one color in particular?
  4. XXavierSin
    Version: 1.0
    I think this is really cool, my only moment of sadness is that there isn't an anti-red color. You really should just update the mod with all anti colors as well.
  5. RejectedCookies
    Version: 1.0
    Can you add an Anti-Yolo Beam? :D
  6. rocksalt
    Version: 1.0
    I do like this mod. I just have one request- can you make anti-beams in the other colors? Y'know, black core, [color] outline? If the anti-beam came in green outline, my overmodded starbound experience would be complete.
    1. AliveDrive
      Author's Response
      Okay I posted it, let me know what you think!
  7. Crawford Dale
    Crawford Dale
    Version: 1.0
    *Paladin Danse voice* Outstanding! I've a feeling the beam colours won't be seen in multiplayer; will it? Either way, the work is well appreciated!
    1. AliveDrive
      Author's Response
      Fairly certain that the beams are client side only.
  8. Dragon_Tom005
    Version: 1.0
    There's purple. Nuff said.
    1. AliveDrive
      Author's Response
      Aw, Geez Rick.
  9. DoragonKeiyou
    Version: 1.0
    Why have one when you can have them all? This is relatively convenient for those who can't decide, or like to have a variety for different races. Prevents the whole "I have to download them all one at a time" mess. Also has each individual one on it's own in case you know you just want that one color that is your fav.
    1. AliveDrive
      Author's Response
      Thanks! ALL THE BEAMS is for those who have variety in mind, in case you can't decide! Now you don't have to! ^.^